Has anyone asked the Football players and their parents why Chip Kelly ran off their sons to other schools on an exit interview? I told both Dan Guerrero and Chancellor Gene Block to do this for 2 years now. But, the request fell on deaf ears.

In 2 years, Chip Kelly has driven off about 34 Football Players according to Joe Bruin now The Migjty Bruins. QB Austin Burton was one of the last players he drove out of there. QB AB was the Best QB in the last two Final Spring Games. Just look at AB's statistics in both Final Spring Games. He out performed All the QBs, but Kelly never gave him the starting job. Now, Austin Burton will be playing at Purdue University in the BIG-10 when he should be starting at UCLA thanks to Chip Kelly driving him out of UCLA. We could have had it all with Austin Burton. We can thank chip kelly for this disastrous loss. Go Austin!

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Would be very interesting to hear what these players that left the program have to say. Not sure about Austin as he was not going to get to start as long as DTR was healthy. That was Kelly’s call and he made the decision that we had the best chance to win with DTR. I am ok with that, making those decisions is what he gets paid to do, it was clear after Kelly’s first year with us that he was all in with DTR. I hope Austin has success at Purdue.

Kelly will probably get 1 more chance this season to prove he can coach, I hope he makes the best of it. I would really like to believe in him.

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Austin Burton is significantly worse than DTR lol.

1. He's not a guarantee to start a Purdue, not even close.

2. Spring Game stats are completely irrelevant

3. Spring Game stats are ESPECIALLY irrelevant when Azz is the defensive coordinator on the other side of the field. His coverage is soft as is and I'm sure the defense was only running at half speed.

4. Everyone said that Modster was significantly better than DTR too and he was outright awful when he got to play at Cal.

5. Burton stats in real games that count were not better than DTR's, he was just way more conservative so he didn't turn the ball over as much.

6. If you just watch Burton play it's clear he's limited. Kelly had to dumb down the offense so much for him. His AY/A is embarrassingly low. Burton is the type of guy that isn't going to turn it over much but he's also very rarely going to do anything that's going to meaningfully impact wins.


I'd recommend watching this breakdown for a good read on what DTR actually is, not what you think he is by zeroing in on only the bad plays. I think ultimately his decision making caps his ceiling a bit but there are a ton of relatively easy fixes in that tape and honestly my expectations for him are pretty high.

But even if you don't like DTR let's be realistic about the fact that Burton isn't that good and ultimately I'm not that upset he left. I read Purdue's State of the Program on The Athletic it seemed like his initial standing was that of depth and the shortened pre-season isn't going to help him out much. I would rather give the backup reps to Yankoff who I think will probably be just outright better or McQuarrie who at least has a bit more upside.

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The UCLA Athletics Dept. would be wise to invite the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health epidemiologists to monitor the effectiveness of the proposed program. They could provide continuous improvement options based upon new research results. The resulting program data could be useful to many other athletics programs.

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