Maybe we should join the Sun Belt instead of the Big 10…

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So we can consistently finish 3rd or 4th? At least UCLA gets out of debt in the BIG...lol

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What, and miss the opportunities with Rutgers, Indiana, Illinois, Purdue, and Maryland!

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Tell me a future sched similar to the following doesn't get you excited:

Directional school


Directional school


OSU- Away


Purdue- away

Minn - away




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We hired a retread coach who dreads recruiting, whatever the rationale. He counts on transfers. Troy Aikman was a transfer from Oklahoma back in the day. But to think lightening always strikes twice is unrealistic. Additionally, his play calling is questionable in many ways. I sincerely hope he is gone after this season.

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It's not like you can have a big enough pot of cash, that you can get Oklahoma's coach, quarterback and half of their team to transfer to your school.

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Respectfully, then what is it like?

We're just asking that Kelly deliver 60% of what he did at Oregon. i.e., 7 win seasons on average with some signs of improvement. The guy went from the Dux to the pros and proceeded to crater in a smoking hole.

The reality is that this clown has two cream puff seasons seasons before he faces getting pummeled by the Big 10. I'm not tearing down this year's team going three-and-oh but, crikey, this guy has had four seasons to deliver while our Alma Mater backs up a Brinks truck to his doorstep every payday? In regular biz, he'd be Gonzo.

And, yes, I realize the college coaching market cupboard is bare. And, yes, at one time we did have a big enough pot of cash.

So, like I asked, WHAT IS IT LIKE?

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Sep 18, 2022·edited Sep 18, 2022

I was being facetious . However, a bunch of boosters put a package together to bring Kelly in. If the current athletic department could lead a new effort instead of standing on the sidelines like the last director, we could hire a decent coach.

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..politely, you mean *facetious*, don't you? If so, I take your point. A lot of us agree that Guerror was a tragedy and, in effect sat through the first two years of Kelly's contract. In general, I believe Jarmond has done OK with the revival of the men's basketball team but fault him for not being a little more aggressive in puling an el foldo and re-signing Kelly with that juicy buyout when a couple of Snickers bars woulda done the trick.

However, inasmuch as Nebraska was willing to kick their guy out, paying him a $15 million fee, Jarmond and the alums might not be so hesitant if a ripe plum comes along.

Still, I tremble at the prospect of facing Big 10 competition though I welcome us leaving the PAC-12 snooze-ola.

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First thing first, even before the Big Ten era unfolds, I am already trembling at the prospect of facing USC and its heralded young new coach in November. Thus far, he is indeed coaching the Trojans as expected. It is a world of difference than ours. I understand many things can change between now and then. But if the last few years are any indication at all, a ruthless slaughter could be awaiting us.

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Sep 18, 2022·edited Sep 19, 2022

Agree. Embarrassing games possibly await against Washington, Utah and Oregon as well. With the exception of Whittingham at Utah, the others have new coaches who are doing just fine. Oregon seemed to rebound from the blowout at Georgia fairly quickly.

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Henry, I agree. Chip sucks!

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I hate the way he and Deshaun utilize the running backs. Charbonnet could be the best back in the Conference, but on way too many “important” downs, Jones was in the backfield. And, he had more carries than Charbonnet.

Don’t even get me started on our defense.

Go Bruins!

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Im not sure what sucked more- the near loss or the attendance.

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Equal suckedness, with maybe attendance having the edge given that SA is actually pretty good.

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I think the attendance was the biggest story. They're claiming 29,000 attended. Does anybody believe that? It looked like 10-15 thousand max. Mediocre team, pathetic schedule, surly curmudgeon of a coach (who refuses to recruit...) what is the best Adjective to describe the state of UCLA football...I think the lack of fans suggests " Irrelevant "

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Good enough for government work.

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A W is a W and always glad the Bruins win, but what a gift! South Alabama coach Wommack should be horsewhipped for the fake field goal call. You take the points and make your opponent move the length of the field and beat you at the goal line. It's a friggin' no-brainer decision and a head coach can't go wrong with it. The attendance is sad; what's been the financial cost in the past 20 years thanks to the great decisions by Chianti Dan? A pain watching the Okie-Trojans pound the Bulldogs in front of a sizable rabble.

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UCLA is 3-0, but Chip Kelly absolutely sucks! The team was grossly unprepared for S. Alabama.

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One last thought. Kelly isn’t going to get any better. We should just face it and let Neu coach for the rest of the year while we take the time to get it right. He could not possibly do any worse.

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This has to be Kelly’s last year! New coach needs a year to right the ship before going to the BIG. It’s going to be SOS until he is gone.

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Seeing the video of the Bruins celebrating after the AS win was also shocking. Looked like the had just won a Rose Bowl championship when they should have been hanging their heads in shame.

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