What hath the NIL wrought.

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Sorry, wrong, this is not a nil problem, you are ucla hopium addicts. Nobody wants to play for cronin… fix!ing period. They just don’t. Wake up you blind ucla fans… the rest of the college basketball world adapted and left cronin in the dust. He is trash

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This, and your comments below, is an AGGRESSIVELY ignorant response. Anyone who does not believe that NIL is now a primary factor in program success frankly should not be paid attention to. Student athletes aren't idiots. They aren't going to turn down 6 and 7 figure NIL deals. UCLA is the equivalent of the Oakland A's. Our dysfunctional collective literally does not have the money to bring in transfers and freshmen.

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The nil is an excuse for our Cronin apologists who think that nba bound players are dying to come play for a defensive minded coach. News flash! They DONT want to play for cronin! They DONT! Look at next years recruiting class you nit! They’d rather go play for unlv or Boise st for chri!!ta sake!

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Again, sir please lower your temperature. Nobody here is a Cronin apologist. We all feel bad as you do.

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Look, I’ll lower my temperature when bruinsnation starts putting out the facts. This is the second worst loss ever. This team is bad. This is the FIRST cronin recruited team. I want bruinsnatiion to stop sugarcoating this nonsense. This is the worst ucla basketball team in 50 years and you can’t just blame the players! Cronin recruited this team and he deserves most of the blame for what is being rolled into the court. I don’t care how much you like cronin. This is at least 50% of his fault if Not more!!!

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Baskets, calling someone a "nit" is not very mature. Temper tantrum time for Baskets!

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12

Baskets, Since you're not viewing games, then you've time to read my comments from the past few TMB columns, please. I've been highly critical of Cronin. But two things can be true at once. He can have many flaws, AND the NIL has limited the athletes that UCLA can attract. For the next coach beyond Cronin, even a Paul Westhead with his System would be hard pressed to bring in top recruits.

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This is the best talking points for sure, and to which I have no answer… who should be ucla next coach? I would really like to see ucla go after a coach with no track record. Aka, Arizona, Lloyd was a head coach when? I think ucla needs to take a shot at a no-name that will truly try to bring the entertainment. I don’t think it can get worse than this, so give it a shot!! Pick someone I’ve never heard of that wants to give it a go. As long as they practice what they preach AND they preach offense. Offensive basketball is the way of the future. Alford preached it and brought really good recruits, but didn’t practice it… let’s take a chance on a no-name that talks a high power offensive game. If nothing else we will be able to tell if recruits by in at least. I’d say it was fairly obvious with Alford that he actually wasn’t a good offensive coach, but at least he could recruit!

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And yes, to be fair, we can all point to the nil as the problem, but can we at least discuss the fact that cronin couldn’t hold onto recruits like Watson before this was a thing? Watson left before the nil was in place… I think it’s because he couldn’t stand to play for a coach like cronin

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Watson did not do shit in a UCLA uniform. 32% shooting and 3 ppg. LMAO.

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So you've gone from he is a good coach to trash. LMAO. The sky is falling!

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Well, apparently the man who got us to the Final Four and without 2 key injuries last year a 2nd one, forgot how to coach. I don’t pretend to know some miracle cure. I would like to see a 10 man rotation in order to find out who wants to compete no matter the score and no matter hiw many shots are being missed. Maybe identify a leader in there somewhere. This team is “dazed and confused.”!

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12

Again, your lame excuses are old. Cornin has made this the worst program in 50 years and you’re holding on to hopium that some magical player wants to come play defense for cronin… they DONT! Nobody wants to play defense anymore old timer!!!

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he mad!

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I never thought I would ever agree with you but our friend is indeed red hot burning mad. I don't blame him but at the same time, what can anybody do at this point ??

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Well, the old Baskets is back and living down to Version 1.0. Just another basketball poster who doesn’t know what he doesn’t know. There’s no shortage of “fans” of your ilk. I love your last line about defense. The only people that want to play defense are those that want to win. Just my ignorant, old timer observation.

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Give it time army, cronin will be gone before you know it and I will be proven correct all along. There are lots of fans like me by the way who actually watch all men’s college basketball, good luck in your hopium bubble

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Watching and knowing what you are seeing are two different things. Passion without knowledge and understanding seems to be display these says on social media. There’s no shortage of ignorant people that think they are smart. Usually, they’re just loud.

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The “ignorant” people pay the bills! We are paying for entertainment. It really doesn’t matter what you or I think! It doesn’t matter what I post. What matters is what teams are entertaining the masses. Whether that’s you or me doesn’t matter. The masses matter! If they say offense matters, then it does, and anyone who disagrees will become obsolete

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You got one sentence right. It doesn’t matter what you post.

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And with the next coach they hire, you'll find something to bitch about.

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Hi everyone, it was indeed one of the most ugliest, embarrassing losses UCLA has suffered in recent memory. Missus and I have been out of the country for the holidays until yesterday. But I am well aware of our sorry situation. Tonight's game and its outcome would have saddened me further had I not overslept, missed dinner even, let alone remember to turn the TV on. The jetlag is really overwhelming after spending close to three weeks down under in the Southern hemisphere, Australia.

So now we are totally demoralized, beaten into pulps literally while losses start stacking up as never before. I cannot recall if we had ever begun a season as bad as it is. Many of your comments read like a dagger to the heart of our team's grave issues, beginning with Cronin at the top. Time will tell if he can right the rapidly sinking ship and salvage the season already teetering on the brink when this is only the second week in January. As I am writing this, all I can think of is to not give up on this young, ragtag team yet. Warts and all, they may eventually come around to redeem themselves while there is still time left between now and March.

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Cronin is not a good offensive coach and recruiter… the best player he’s recruited is!??!? I can’t even name them because he didn’t even recruit jaquez… baller knows what he’s talking about. Cronin is awful for ucla

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Let's start with Johnny Juzang, Peyton Watson, Jaylen Clark, and Amari Bailey. All in the NBA.

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Peyton Watson?!?? My goodness… and Amari Bailey?!! Neither of those players stayed to play for cronin for more than one season because they saw the writing on the wall. G league is more fortuitous or a bench in the nbs for two seasons then suffering under cronin who wouldn’t develop them

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You made the following claim: Cronin is not a good recruiter.

I listed 4 NBA players he recruited.

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Come on man! Watson was awful in college and bounced as the 30th pick which had absolutely nothing to do with his play or play time at ucla. Pure speculation because he didn’t play enough to prove anything. He was misutilized at ucla and anyone that thinks otherwise… good on you.

Bailey was the 41st in the second round only because he got substantial playtime after the Clark injury and showed his potential in the tournament. Also an early draft electee that was mis utilized at ucla. Had he been developed properly, could have had a great season but was heals back until cronin was forced to replace Clark.

Jaylen Clark hasn’t played a minute in the nba but chose to risk the g league over a recovery season at ucla.

And juzang bounced after one good season and has done what in the nba?

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Watson was awful? What are you talking about? He was a very useful rotation piece on that excellent team. Just because he did not put up 20ppg does not make him awful. You are a moron.

On Bailey, I don't know if you are just lying or doing lazy research. Bailey started 28 of 30 games and avg'd 27 minutes. He, like the rest of the roster, saw a few more minutes when Clark went down. Again, a tremendous talent and highly sought after high school prospect that CRONIN RECRUITED.

Jaylen Clark -- another great recruit by Cronin. Not sure what his NBA resume has to do with this.

Juzang -- single handedly brought us within a basket of the championship game. What a recruiting coup this was.

Tell me, why do you keep bringing up the NBA when we are talking about Cronin's ability to recruit.

You have lost this argument, and lost it badly.

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Seriously though, let’s talk alford vs cronin… they are comparable. Howland had better recruits than both… at least as far as nba stats go. There is still time for the new guys, but it’s not looking good

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"Howland had better recruits than both… at least as far as nba stats go." What do NBA stats have to do with recruiting?

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Alford got to the Final Four? Alford won the PAC-12?

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Okay, with this comment, I have to chime in. Cronin = Salford, seriously?? Cronin actually coaches, while Salford.... hell, I've no idea what wtf Salford did out on the court. I look back at Jules Bernard, and how he drove me utterly crazy, charging around the court like a bull in a china shop. Fast forward to the Final Four, and you've a totally different Jules. That's coaching! Then I see the improvement in the paint by Bona; that's also coaching. Nowhere did I see players improving under Salford. For the record, Cronin >>> Salford. I still support Coach Cronin, for the record. I make no apologies for him or for me. Deal with it.

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Wrong. He recruited Jaquez when he was at Cincinatti.

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I would like to quote this memorable sentence at the end of Clinton's acceptance speech during the 1992 Democratic National convention. " After all, there is a place called Hope. " So guys, let's keep our fingers crossed. Things should and will get better.

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Nothing like hopium to get you through life. If I can find that magical drug, I think everything will be ok…

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Hopium you say ?!? Does this elixir of a drug really exist, available over the counter ? Hurry, let me call FDA for verification. LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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:-) my dude! hopium if it exists :-)

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12

“Utah can light things up in a hurry”? Are you Fung kidding me mate!?! Utah scored their second most points of the season against a ucla team that prides itself on defense. I don’t think Utah is known as a team that “lights things up in a hurry”, but if that’s what you think, then good for you.

I actually didn’t even think watch the game. As stated I won’t watch until cronin is gone. I just look at the stats and post after the game. From the stats, this is the second worst loss in ucla entire HISTORY!!! Think about that for a moment.

“It should be no surprise that ucla crumbled”… spoken like a true Cronin apologist… but hey what do I know, this is a throw away season. UCLA historically has those right? Said no one EVER!!!

Hey stats guy, look up the last time ucla tanked on purpose for the best drafts in the league… oh wait, college doesn’t draft… hmmm.. but next year will be better because all the legit ballers are coming to play for this sh!!!t show right!!! Damn, wrong again.

Hey bruins nations writers, how about you get with what the rest of the world is talking about, ucla basketball hitting its lowest mark in what 40 years?!!! Get a clue

Looks like old bruinbaskets may have been correct from the beginning. Wouldn’t it be poetic justice if cronin rides off to Louisville at the end of the season leaving ucla at its lowest point in school history!!?? Maybe I actually know something about basketball today unlike the rest of you nits

All you Cronin apologists can go f yourselves… this is absolute horse sh!!!t!!! Sure, the bruinsnation fans may have been bad, but this is absolutely the worst team I’ve seen ucla field in maybe ever… 50 plus years?!??!

If this site wants to be relevant, then it should start reporting on what is actually happening. UCLA men’s basketball is the worst it’s been in 50 years. Cronin is to blame and they need a different coach. Anyone that disagrees is delusional. Good night!!!!

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12

No one disagrees that UCLA is at severe low right now.

What we disagree on is whether we need a new coach or not. He deserves the benefit of a doubt after 4 good/great seasons.

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I’m glad you still holding on to hopium… this team at a new low in 50 years and still supporters showing up. Let’s hope next year hits a new low and we can all go out and celebrate over beers together

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Also, nothing great about the last 4 years. He got lucky last year with 3 guys leading the charge that he did not recruit… singleton, jaquez, and tyger. But hey, this guy can RECRUIT!!! Next year he’s for the best class in the nation… or is it below top 30, ahhh, I can’t remember, I’m getting too old

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Ahh… he’s currently at 92 per 247 sports… but fu?!k that’s only because he doesn’t have any scholarship availability you nits… come September all the no name nobody wants you plays will be committed for sure! 50th best let’s fix?!!ing go mates!!!!

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I hear you loud and clear. Yes I do. It is frightening to even think UCLA hoops would even sink to such obscene low point. But let's keep our cool. We are not Cronin apologists by any means. But our friend paulieg896 is correct. He does deserve the benefit of a doubt at this particular stage.

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Glad you continue to support this loser of a coach. I really am, I will be so sad when I am right and all of you have to apologize for supporting this bad for ucla coach. Enjoy the rest of the season though… at least it’s a throw away, we expect those at ucla these days

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Hmm .... let's see if the rest of the season would remain shitty as it is. Meanwhile, you need to let your temperature subside first. Tomorrow is another day.

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Utah averages 80 points a game and has a top 20 offense per KenPom with a fast tempo, so yeah, they’re a really good offense, but you wouldn’t know that because, as we have established by this point, you have object permeance when it comes to college basketball in general.

I’m going to suggest you take a step back and maybe consider if you enjoy posting here, because you are being ridiculous in your criticisms.

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Really bro! I wouldn’t know that because I watch games outside of ucla? Please remove me from posting with if I hurt your feelings for actually watching other college basketball and knowing some real stats!! You want to talk over 80 point games??? What teams did that happen against.

Eastern Washington

Uc riverside

Southern Utah



And now ucla!?!?

Not real good teams to put up lots of points against friend. But let’s be honest. UCLA doesn’t put up lots of points against anyone. Go ahead ban me, but not because I use stats to support my stance.

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And for the record… how many 80pt games does the UCLA’s men’s basketball team have this year? Again, please feel free to ban me for asking relevant questions

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I don't think you would anyway, but please do not ban him or censor his posts in anyway. He's making a fool of himself and it's great to watch.

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I like you Evan! You and I have different opinions, one of us will be right! I actually hope I am wrong

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You don't have opinions though. You cannot possibly believe what you are saying. You are either a total moron or just trolling. Maybe both.

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He trolls whenever UCLA loses a game.

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Also, if you do ban me, who will come here to actually have meaningful conversation, will be just a bunch of the same agreeing about ucla basketball

- oh yeah ucla will be better next year

- throw away seasons are good for the program direction

- everything is fine, we just need another jaquez to show up

- the defense is so spectacular

- who needs offense? Defense wins championships

- cronin has minimal flaws and is the way of the future!

- European players are all really good!

- bruinbaskets is so dumb and knows nothing about basketball

What will you talk about?

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What part of meaningful conversation is "All you Cronin apologists can go f yourselves"?

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Don't know about a ban or censorship, but the refs will likely assess a technical foul for encouraging hopium use amongst the community. LoL!

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12

Army and gib… let’s chat. How does it feel to be the worst ucla team in program history in 50 years? You still believers?! If so, super proud of you, you did it, you supported the worst coach in ucla history… he’s lower than Alford ever was even! I hope you’re happy because I sure am… next year will be better though, everyone wants to play for this magical coach right?!!?!

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Okay ... okay .....

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LOL !!! When the storm blows over, it will be better. But I don't blame him a single bit. We are a storied program now going onto the trash bin.

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Serious question: If you were an 18 year old kid from limited means, would you go play for (picking a very random school here) Louisville for $500k a year or would you go to UCLA for 50k?

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Louisville, no hesitation. No reason to go get yelled at by a coach that has no idea how to run an offensive set. That’s all you care about if you’re going to the nba…

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Your selecting Louisville proves the point about the importance of NIL. Cronin is a potential target for a possible hc vacancy there. I'll rephrase the question: Would you go to a Cronin-coached Louisville for $500k or to UCLA for $50k?

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If I’m worth 500k at Louisville, I probably have a g league offer… and I’m going there over either ucla over louisville

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But if I don’t have a g league offer, then I’m looking at the coach that I think best develops my nba opportunity. If we’re talking those numbers, than likely a future nba prosoect, and I’d rather go to the school that I think is the best fit. UCLA isn’t it imo as I’ve said multiple times before. I’d rather go play with bronny at usc for free!!!

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so you are going to the g-league where the salary is $40,500 over $500k at Louisville? You wouldn't be majoring in economics would you.

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Is this the article you went to? https://fanarch.com/blogs/fan-arch/how-much-do-g-league-players-make-exploring-salaries-and-compensation#:~:text=Standard%20G%20League%20Salary%3A%20The,basketball%20an%20attractive%20career%20option.

Hmmm… you posted the absolute worst possible salary as an arguing point. You sure you want to talk economics?

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And for what it’s worth, yes, I’d rather go somewhere that I didn’t have to PRETEND like I was in college and could just wake up and play basketball everyday. Let’s be honest, what percentage of the 5 star athletes are really looking forward to their “ college educations”

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I see you love to dominate the post game. Just to be clear, I think your basketball knowledge would fit on a thimble. Therefore, there’s no need to enter into a discussion who’s main attribute is anger and who’s basketball IQ I have no respect for. Enjoy your misery. Apparently a bad Bruin team has more effect on your life than it does mine.

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lol, it hurts so much to see that I’m right does it? My basketball knowledge on a thimble you say? Answer me this, when is the last time you saw a ucla men’s basketball team this bad. You’re a bit of a relic like me. I’m curious what team you’d compare this too

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Jan 12·edited Jan 14

The only one close - and less excusable, not that I'm making excuses for Cronin or this hideous season - would be Lavin's last team that had to upset zona in the conference tourney just to get to 10 wins... and I say less excusable 'cause that team had Jason Kapono, and a freshman Ryan Hollins who were both massively better than anyone on this roster and had returned 50% of its scoring from the previous season's 20+ win team unlike this Bruin team... One disturbing parallel though that seems to be emerging between those two teams is that as soon as the player-leaders (the previous seniors who had played with the guys who'd been there in 95 and 97 and who ran the practices while Lav gelled his hair!) left, the bottom dropped out.

There's plenty of evidence that Cronin is a much better coach than Lavin but this season has veered into inexcusable. I don't look forward to being at McKale in a week!

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What's funny about him, and I guess this kind of shows his knee jerk pedestrian analysis, is that he's basing the entire season on last night's thumping. That game is about as bad as a UCLA team has every looked, but we have been in every game we have lost this year. By my count, we have not lost a game by more than 9 -- 3 possessions. The record sucks, but we do look a little better than a 6-10 team. Not that it means much, but he's acting like we are losing by 20 every night and are 2-14. He's probably one of the guys who when are football team starts off 4-0 because of a weak starting schedule that we are well on our way to a natty.

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I think we’re looking horrible and a bit worse by the game. Mick has a lot of work to do to get these kids working harder as a unit and shooting it better. Not an easy task at the moment. It doesn’t mean I think Cronin forgot how to coach. But, I’m not going to sugarcoat how bad they look.

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I'm not trying to sugarcoat it either. I'm saying that it is not going to get better because of how this roster is constructed. We don't have a shooter. We don't have a scorer. And we don't have a point guard. And none of that can be changed via coaching. We need different players. That makes us very, very easy to defend.

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We don’t have a shooter, we don’t have a scorer, and we don’t have a point guard. And none of that can be changed by coaching… I think the point guard can be coached, but agree the others are much harder to develop. We need different players….

How do we get different players? I think this happens with proper team construction that starts with… RECRUITING! This is the first roster constructed entirely by cronin starting with the point guard he recruited to replace the point guard that he did not recruit. It is also the first roster absent of a true 3pt threat. Cronin recruited lazar to replace singleton who he also did not recruit. Every single gap that you highlighted could have been filled with proper recruiting and a coach who knows how to construct a team

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It actually starts with NIL these days, but ok.

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Could be different players or it could be current players learning and improving. Tyger Campbell came under a lot of criticism in his first two years. There’s a ton of work to do for the rest of this season and the off season.

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Agree! Mara and lazar both need to go. Mick took flyers on two players that don’t fit his coaching style hoping they would fix his problems. Neither of these players are mick type players, but no other mick type players wanted to play for him this year, so he took these two hoping he could make them work in his system, but they aren’t suited for micks system

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I mean, I guess it's possible Andews makes a big leap and becomes a serviceable PG? Tyger always had solid PG potential. Andrews is not showing this. On the shooter, no. We do not have someone who has that skillset. Mack could be a scorer one day, but he's a year and probably two away from being a number 1 scoring option on a decent team.

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12

Mick didn’t forget how to coach. He can be a good coach with the right team. The problem is that mick recruited and constructed this team in its entirety. It’s the first true season of mick only players, and yes, these players are coachable, but ucla should never be in this position to start with if cronin was truly good at constructing a team. Mara and berke don’t even count and the reason they don’t work is because cronin was grasping at straws and pulled two projects during the 12th hour hoping that he could magically make them work at ucla because they were 4 and 5 star talents. Mara is not a mick cronin type player. Cronin was hoping he could find a way to use him… he’s softer than charmin has zero defensive IQ, and is not an ISO player on the other end. He doesn’t fit cronins coaching style, but the only guys that would, wouldn’t come play for him, so we got stuck with Mara

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"Mara and berke don’t even count."


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hyperbole much? The worst ever was Lavin. Alford gives Lavin a run for the money. Cronin might be joining them...

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This season has sucked. The 46 point loss was an outlier. They have been in every game besides that. Yes, I was mad about losing home games to CSUN, Maryland, Cal, and Stanford. I think to call Cronin the worst coach in UCLA Basketball is a giant exaggeration. That honor should to go Walt Hazzard. And fuck Alford. He couldn't even make an Elite Eight.

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"Hopium addicts"? LoL! Yes, the Mighty Bruin seems to be providing some of the entertainment that's been lacking when watching the team play. I expected this year to be challenging because of the wholesale loss of key players, but not to be THIS bad. After the home losses to Stanford and Cal, I thought they had hit rock bottom, but apparently not. The lopsided loss to Utah is an embarassment for the program, but what's worse is that they seem to have no good answers to perform better. I definitely need a big dose of that hopium in order to have any faith that they'll win just 1 more game this season. So sad, but hopefully the Lady Bruins will sweep U$C to salvage this weekend. Go Bruins!

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12

Just as talk of an on campus stadium has evaporated under Chipster, the electricity of Bruin basketball has disappeared under Cronin. What former Bruins are talking up the program, going to bat for CMC, or attending games?

Realistically, would another coach do any better with this roster? Would any of these players flourish elsewhere?

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To answer your last question, I think Bona and Mack would flourish on a good team in a reduced role. Mack off the bench as a third or fourth scoring option and Bona is the role he played for us last year. The rest of the roster would not really have a role on a good college basketball team. And given that this team has zero offensive skill, Cronin's defensive coaching is the only thing keeping us remotely in games so I think most other coaches would have us much worse off.

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12

I wonder if Bona's draft stock has risen or fallen with his play this year.

3 possession losses -- if Bruins hit 40% FG they win, but they're below the Mendoza line. Remarkable that no one can shoot in this age of Be Like Steph, and more so that they've congregated onto a single team. Also, unable to land a pg into his 5th year (Vide?). Roster construction.

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I tend to think not. NBA drafts on potential. They don't pay much attention to on court performance. It's obvious that Bona is being asked out of necessity to do things he is not capable of on offense. IMO he should have left after last year. Probably would have been a late 2nd rounder or immediately signed after the draft and be in the G league right now.

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12

Had he left it would have saved some $ towards another player. (Crazy that coaches play NBA GM roles now.) Who subs in for Mara when he picks up 2 quick fouls without Bona and Nwuba next year? So many roster problems beyond scorers.

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yeah but we are so far behind on NIL that 1 player wouldn't make a difference. probably of Bona quality or less. My guess is most of our newcomers next year will be from the portal and will be of Lazar's stature -- i.e. borderline starter. Maybe we get lucky and get someone who just needed a change in scenery to flourish.

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Jan 13·edited Jan 13

Sounds like the best the Bruins can do is to get someone else's Mac and Abramo disgruntled castoffs. Sorrowful times.

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what breaks offensive runs is making shots. not making shots has 2 major effects in a game: 1) the run gains momentum and 2) confidence and accuracy of the shooting team increases dramatically because when a team knows the other side can't make shots, the pressure drops which results in higher percentages. to drop a team's accuracy, you need to apply pressure, either through defensive intensity or through making shots (hopefully both).

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hard to play defense coming off a missed shot.

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you know how bad this game was? The only worst game in Bruins history is Lavin's Maples Massacre. I never thought there would be a loss that approached that nightmare. A nightmare so bad that I had forgotten it.

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As I said in an earlier post - Lavin's last team was worse, especially given that it had multiple NBA talents - Kapono, Hollins, Ced Bozeman - all of whom would easily be the best player on this roster - and won only 9 games after 20+ years in a row of 20+ wins. And, no, just because they scored a bunch while running around uncoached like headless chickens, it wasn't remotely entertaining! Not that this year's team is either...

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Poor shooting aside, the team just flat out quit on themselves and each other in the 2nd half, so they deserved that embarassing ass kicking. No go-to guy, can't score, young team, poor roster construction, NIL--unfortunately, it is what it is, but this continued regression and settling for dead LAST PLACE in the Pac-12 is inexcusable and unacceptable for any UCLA team. Have to go way back to the 1940's for Bruin teams that were that bad. Last words from Coach Cronin in the postgame press conference: "Back to the drawing board." Looks like he needs to come up with some better ideas and a pretty big drawing board. Maybe they should have a practice session with the women's team...

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I guess you were joking about the ladies team but I was thinking that the 3 point line is the same for both, yet the men can not hit open shots while the ladies shoot far better. A matter of mechanics? Maybe not a bad idea to have the ladies give the men a few pointers on proper mechanics?

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The men just are not shooters. Need to find other ways to score. They are just as bad putting it in the hoop inside the arc as beyond the arc, and the former is easier to fix. So fix it.

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Joking, but then it may not be such a bad idea to help inspire and motivate the men's team and find ways to improve their attitude and skills. Certainly better than just being yelled at or being told that they lack aptitude, which has not been effective so far.

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can you imagine how bad they'd be if Cronin was NOT tough on them? He's actually getting a lot out of this roster with the exception of the Utah game.

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Yep, I don't mind the tough love--it obviously was crucial in transforming Alford's players into a resilient, winning team. But with this funky mix of youth, Euros, and returning guys, something more is required to stop the bleeding. Coach Cronin seemed more restrained, contrite, and accountable during the last couple of press conferences, and stating that he takes it personal says that he's not a quitter, either.

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honestly if you cannot handle a coach screaming and yelling, how are you supposed to handle the pressure of 15,000 road fans screaming, booing, mocking, and insulting you for 2 hours? Coaches should be expected to yell. Trying to develop men here, not boys whose feelings might lose us a game.

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I played competitive soccer through college and coach competitive boys soccer. I agree that the loudest parents are the worst. I am also guilty of having rh least basketball experience.

I thought cronin wouldn’t last this long. So I am clearly wrong there. It seems realistic that his buyout will be affordable at the end of next season. Especially if next season looks anything like this one. UCLA’s team for next year hasn’t come forward and it’s going to take a miracle in the transfer portal to get some new players.

My biggest gripe all along has been with the tempo of cronins programs. I truly don’t think it’s entertaining and that this style/brand of basketball will lead to seasons like this. Seasons like this aren’t productive for the team. It’s not just that they’re losing, it’s that the games aren’t even entertaining. For some they are, and all my yelling and screaming won’t change that. Thanks for putting some thought into your response

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notice he said "competitive soccer through college" and not "college soccer." i.e. he played in a men's league and not college soccer. Nobody cares what you think about Cronin's tempo. His tempo is fine. Plenty of high tempo teams lose. Plenty of low tempo teams win. The name of the game is scoring more points than the other team. The games are not entertaining because we are LOSING. If those 9 games that we lost by a maximum of 9 points had been mostly wins and our record was say 12-4, this would be considered a VERY entertaining season.

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This is pure anger and wrong. I’m confused why there are so many cringing supporters in these threads when many new articles are finally showing up that support my stances on tempo and cronins style of coaching. I’ve played for a coach that yelled and screamed all the team. Demand that I said yes sir, whatever you say… it took all the fun out of the game and caused many talented players to go play elsewhere. I see that in these players and it’s hard when you’re losing, but cronin teams don’t look like they’re really enjoying basketball when they’re on the court. Again, I’ll get some comment about what do you know? Just look at the reactions on the players faces and you’ll see what I’m referring to… the joy is no longer there for the players on this team

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Frankly a teenager with your personality is the EXACTLY type of kid who should be demanded to say "yes sir" and treated like he's in boot camp. Your self righteous arrogance is the personality trait the fosters selfishness on the court the most.

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I agree with you Baskets. The screaming and demeaning rants, along with Cronin's style of coaching, which clearly doesn't fit with the players, has resulted in this debacle. Yes, we may not have the star talent on this team, but we still have some good players that with the right coaching staff and development could win.

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who exactly are our good players?

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I actually will respond to you because you didn't attack me this time. I do believe that B Wills has talent and good potential, Mack has talent and if developed could be a really good player. Berke has potential as he has shown a fairly smooth shot. Bona has seemingly regressed this year but is talented but needs to be developed to expand his game. Will Mac has talent and potential. I haven't seen enough of Fib or Vide to know their potential. I think the issues are many with this team - there is little to no chemistry or confidence - that lies squarely on Cronin.

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The other angle is that everyone is a project.

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I do believe all need development for sure. We don't have a Kevin Love or Amari Bailey or Toby Bailey or JR Henderson on our team.

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you are running in circles here. Just because every player in our rotation has potential to be useful at some point in their college career, does not mean that potential should translate into on court results THIS year. Mack would be a great piece to this team if he was the third or fourth guy off the bench. You cannot construct a winning roster where he is the primary offensive weapon. Bona could be a great piece on a championship caliber team off the bench, but you cannot construct a winning roster where he's probably the second offensive weapon and the most experienced player on the court. I could even see Andrews being a decent bench piece by the time he graduates (this guy reaks Prince Ali...overrated and over relied upon) but he has no business starting on a ranked team....which is probably the main reason we are not a ranked team.

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You've really proven my point. You named a bunch of guys who are at best not ready and at worst don't belong. Mack would be the 8th or 9th man on a good UCLA team and probably contribute 8-10 important minutes int he same way Peyton Watson did. Williams would not be playing as a freshman on a good UCLA team...period. He is the kind of player is is a 4 year guy and is a really good piece by his junior or senior year if he progresses. It speaks volumes to Will Mac that he has not beaten out Andrews. And the other guys you mentioned are projects.

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you've also proven my above point. Even a casual fan should understand that just because a player has a lot of potential does not mean that should be transferring to on court results as a freshman, and that just because the results are not showing up in games does not mean the player is not developing.

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It’s not worth it Tamara, Evan has worse credentials than I do… at least I’m willing to post about it. It’s not worth talking to someone who refuses to detail where all of this insider expert knowledge comes from. You’ll just get more personal attacks for your thoughtful discussion

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I appreciate that Baskets. Thank you.

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We "cringing supporters" get your shtik--in a nutshell, Cronin basketball is not "entertaining"; UCLA women basketball is not entertaining"; "Cronin is trash"; Cronin basketball is not fun for the players; good recruits do not want to play for Cronin; these underperforming/poor construction players are Cronin's fault; Cronin will not be at UCLA after 2025; anybody who disagrees with you is a variety of abusive names including "go f yourself", "nit", ad nauseam.

You are obviously very unhappy (to say the least) as long as Cronin is coach. You rinse and repeat the same things (except when you admitted you know nothing about women's basketball and said you will not post about it again after saying some truly untruthful and foolish things). Few take you seriously and most, as Dimitri posted, find your criticisms ridiculous. I believe in free speech and would not want you to be banned (I do not know what the TOS is here but some of the name calling must push the limit); however, I think most here, including yourself, would be happier and you would be less stressed out if you posted on a site that "appreciated" your stuff.

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I do not agree with Baskets conduct the same way I do not agree with Evan's conduct. Both could say the same things in a respectful manner but they choose not to do so. But when Baskets makes a good point, I will agree. And you are correct, there is a thing called Freedom of Speech that gives people a lot of leeway to express their opinions. It would be a much better community here, however, if people didn't attack and belittle others. I used to like Cronin and thought he was a good but not great coach. I no longer hold that opinion of him for various reasons and I absolutely have a right to do so.

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For clarification, I believe I was one of the first, if not the first, to call out Cronin's "antics" (bullying) from the bench--even before Ben's article in the LA Times. But I also want to call out the verbal abuse, nastiness and name calling of Baskets as it makes the entire comment section less "entertaining" to use Basket's term. That is why I suggested since he displays all this anger and nasty name calling here, there may a board more to his liking as far as opinions go and he would be a happier person there.

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Agree 💯 Absolutely no justification for the nastiness and attacking demeaner of Baskets or Evan for that matter. 💙💛

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el oh el. I must say you are a bit more articulate than "bruinbaskets" (who may just be on a bender), but your knowledge of the sport is even worse (which is not surprising either all things considered)

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Once again you attack me. Showing your true colors.

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You have no idea what my knowledge of the sport is, and your view seems narrow regarding the problems on this team. Certainly all the articles, along with many comments in this community, poiny to Cronin's many flaws and were not written by people who lack knowledge. Your attacks are as bad as Baskets and you like to target me just like bullies do.

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I do not agree that Baskets refer to anyone as cringing supporters. I was agreeing only with his comments about Cronin, Baskets would be much more effective if he was respectful to others.

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True to this!

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Correct indeed… thanks for the call out

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For those that have given up on Cronin… I’m curious what coach you would go after? I know, Cronin has to fail miserably again next season, but what coaches would you go after?

I’d love to see a coach like tad boyle from cu at ucla. I’d also love a flier on a no name assistant from a fast tempo school like North Carolina, florida, Gonzaga, Kentucky, or Miami. All uneducated thoughts of course. For those that are still interested in cronin, I really don’t care much about what coach you like because we clearly don’t have the same ideas for what could benefit ucla men’s basketball

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we are UCLA. we do not take flyers on "no name" coaches.

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Jan 14·edited Jan 14

Some additional history which I thought interesting… the last time ucla scored this few points was in 2014 when Alford had his first (second?) year at ucla. This was a truly awful season where ucla scored 39 points in a 32 point loss to… Utah! I’ve never said alford was a better coach. I think he was a better recruiter and he had at least one top 5 recruiting class. This being his first season, many people, including myself said that the program needed time. We were ridiculed at that time for alfords past mistakes and I was ultimately wrong. Here we are 9 years later and many cronin fans are saying just give it some time… alas, this is cronins 5th season as a ucla coach. At least salford had the excuse that this wasn’t a team he built or recruited.

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This was also the season that ucla scored 7 points in a half against Kentucky. At least we can all agree that we are glad alford is gone. He wasn’t a good coach and we can all be glad he is gone!

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yeah the difference between Cronin and Alford is that Cronin actually had success.

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