This reminds me I really miss the days when almost every game started on Saturday at 1. I realize that dates me...who knows going forward with the Big 10 needing to hoover up every cent it can find.
Tamara and BB88 and I traded thoughts on the OCR article earlier and it was more or less Wasserman's opinion that Chipster should not be fired - not that he had any inside dope.
My take was that he had zero consideration re the diminishing attendance should Kelly be kept on. He was, as I said, some big fat alum in his luxurious sky box inhaling the Chablis and heated up crab puffs and yammering on with his hoity-toity friends barely paying attention to the game.
The media drumbeat re Chipster's heave-ho is the most intense as I have heard for any UCLA coach.
Wasserman: "He (Chip) knows how to win (33-33). His graduation rate is remarkable. Zero students on academic probation. He continues to elevate the program." Delusional.
After ending up with mediocre records for games coached by Chip Alford and also in trying to predict their actual outcomes beforehand, you would think somebody should be let go by now.... LOL
This reminds me I really miss the days when almost every game started on Saturday at 1. I realize that dates me...who knows going forward with the Big 10 needing to hoover up every cent it can find.
Maybe 9am games in the B1G
Wasserman must like losing.
Tamara and BB88 and I traded thoughts on the OCR article earlier and it was more or less Wasserman's opinion that Chipster should not be fired - not that he had any inside dope.
My take was that he had zero consideration re the diminishing attendance should Kelly be kept on. He was, as I said, some big fat alum in his luxurious sky box inhaling the Chablis and heated up crab puffs and yammering on with his hoity-toity friends barely paying attention to the game.
The media drumbeat re Chipster's heave-ho is the most intense as I have heard for any UCLA coach.
..we shall see what we shall see.
Wasserman: "He (Chip) knows how to win (33-33). His graduation rate is remarkable. Zero students on academic probation. He continues to elevate the program." Delusional.
After ending up with mediocre records for games coached by Chip Alford and also in trying to predict their actual outcomes beforehand, you would think somebody should be let go by now.... LOL
There is as little interest in this game as I've ever seen, and it's a rivalry game to boot. Sad.