Went to the game tonight. It was obvious that the Bowl was empty, but we tried to be loud nonetheless. Having said that, many fans around us spent time in the Jordan Wine Garden starting halftime and didn't come back til end of third quarter. There were not many of us standing and roaring at 3rd down. Kelly has broken our football spirit, that much is obvious.

I also must pay respect to the wonderful halftime show celebrating those military veterans who have fought on our behalf. UCLA did it right :-) I also liked the way the stadium lights flickered on and off in synchronized manner at various time, creating a pretty cool light show for the night game. I will also brag that I had a photo op with Martin Jarmond tonight, as well (he does such a great job of hanging with us fans :-) It was great to see our boys win one in front of their families and friends tonight, that's for sure!

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I was there, too. 37 unanswered points is usually a very exciting time... Not tonight. The malaise of the fans was palpable. Mostly it was, "that's nice, but we've been fooled before." Most of that feeling was from the worse-than-terrible defense in the first 30 minutes. The sour taste of the puke-inducing first half could not be wiped out with 15 minutes of strong play. Bruins need to learn to play 60 minutes. Only then will they be a team worthy of support (win or lose).

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Did the Bruins defense truly have a strong second half effort or was Karl Dorrell just really really protecting that first half lead?

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I down and two to go for Jerry to get that raise!

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