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L clap, clap!

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clap, clap, clap, fight fight fight!

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Fire Jerry Azzinaro

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It is unbelievable that he still has his job.

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What is it about being drawn offside?

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Bad coaching. How can it still happen so frequently this late in the season?

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Yup,It's gotta be.

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Oh, my Azz!

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Thank God for Mick Cronin!

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And the Killer Js!

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It is really hard to go from last night and then stomach this.

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Double sheet!

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A flat, unprepared and embarrassing performance.

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It baffles me that anyone could watch even the first half of this game and think these coaches have earned another game, let alone another year. Especially juxtaposed against the basketball program. Not only are they simply not very good, they kill themselves with dumb mistakes, and the play calling is atrocious. The only positive plays come from when everything doesn't work, and DTR runs for his life.

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Funny, I stopped and had to remember, "I hope they get better and win this game, and win three more games and get a good bowl." 'Cause I am ready for them to lose enough for Kelly to go, and that's a f****d up place for a fan to be.

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Huge run plays by Colorado… run defense is porous

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unbelievable how terrible the defense is.

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And another stupid penalty.

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Oh gawd!

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Jarmond should just fire Azz at halftime. That would earn him a lot of respect with the Bruin faithful.

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You could draw someone at random from the crowd and it couldnt be worse

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Fire Jerry Azzinaro

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The student section was chanting "fire jerry"

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It is too bad Chip just doesn't care. Compare Chip to Cronin, who was handing out doughnuts to the fans waiting in line for the game last night. Chip is just pondering how he is going to spend all the money he is ripping off from UCLA.

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"This is so beneath me. I can't wait to get back to the NFL." Srsly, don't you think that's how he's thinking now?

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Dorrell isn’t looking so bad now!

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He still looks pretty bad. Tough to give him credit for beating this dumpster fire.

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Did anyone else have a nostalgic moment this week when the news of Mora at CT hit? Remember when we had good teams? Sigh...

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Yea definitely. I hope he does great things at UCONN

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Colorado is a bad team. But we are making them look great. It is just so sad how the coaches have let this team down. We have plenty of talent.

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That's the story of the UCLA football program. Just wasted talent.

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This is like watching a slow moving car wreck. It's disturbing, but I can't look away.

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Well, we can take timeouts.

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Pyrrhic victory.

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I think the Pyrrhic victory would be if we WIN tonight, and maybe another game, and so nothing would change next year.

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Wouldn't be complete if they weren't outplayed in every facet of the game, so good to know Colorado is also better at kicking.

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Don't forget....this is coming off an "improvement week"

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I miss my youth. Every game was Saturday at 1230 or 1pm. Always on 2 4 or 7. None of these screwy kickoff times on screwy networks. I’m in Palm Springs now and I can’t even get 1150.

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Try living near Boston!

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Try the app “Tune In”. You can play local broadcasts from anywhere regardless of your location.

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On a separate topic, Drew Timme of Gonzaga is still a douchebag.

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TD charbonnet!!

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Poor Barr-Mira is stuck on the struggle bus

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Ah yes, the vintage 25 yard run on 3rd and 2. A classic from the ucla defense.

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Great run by DTR! Offense bailing out the defense right now

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Offense looking great and 100% winning this game for the defense right now

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Fantastic 3rd quarter by the offense. DTR showing a ton of heart.

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UCLA scores 23 unanswered. Over on ESPN2, Gonzaga destroying Texas but it’s still early in 2nd half

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Gotta credit the D there that was a great stop!

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I just figured it out... it's so much more fun when we play well. What do ya think???

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Imagine that!

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Here we go!!!

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30 unanswered now, way to put it away!

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What was Michigan thinking

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I'm out of here, Bruins. Go Bruins!

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I guess the alarm finally went off after they hit the snooze button at 6pm.

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PHILIPS lets go!!!!

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The second half has been better.

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Way to answer a poor start Bruins! Awesome finish!!

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What a strange game. 2nd half was a joy to watch. Phillips us awesome.

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