Let's hope that Jaime is OK.

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With his forehead? Or are you talking something else?

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Yep. Announcers said he looked wobbly. I hope not concussed.

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Thanks, Bruin Gold, that is good to hear! We need that energy.

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Josh Lewin said that Cody Riley is improving and should be back next week but is not likely to play in the Colorado game on Wednesday. Brief comment made during the UNLV game.

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Dimitri is right on about Johnson being lost in space within Cronin's system. Clark plays bigger than he is and is a bigger offensive threat than Johnson. Got to get Cody back and healthy!

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UCLA with a great bounce back after a no show against number 1 Gonzaga. Defense was great and the team seemed to hustle and force unlv out of rhythm all game.

Was still disappointed to see the offense struggle to play as a cohesive unit. Tyger had zero assists and they continue to go one on one a lot as the clock winds down.

I commented on the offense completely coming to a halt with 7 minutes to go. I understand they played a slow tempo most of the game… but for the last 7 minutes, every possession wound up with one person dribbling at the half line until 10 seconds were left. What gives? Do you not trust your offense to do what they’ve been doing all game? I dislike that style of play calling because I feel it sends a message to the players that you don’t trust them on offense not to play smart. Isn’t that what these early games are about? You’re up by 12-20 points, don’t play stupid of course, but play basketball. Taking it all the way down to 10 seconds on every possession after the 7 minute mark just doesn’t make sense to me. I get that things aren’t going perfectly on offense, so work on it maybe?

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