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And I am still sooo not sold on Chip

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A man can dream....

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ouch! but true...

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clearly, they weren't!

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clap! clap!

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Clap! Clap!

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clap! clap!

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Clap! Clap!

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clap! clap!

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Clap! Clap!

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Clap! Clap!

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Clap! Clap!

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UCLA Fight Fight Fight

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Programming Note: Game is starting on FS2 and KCOP 13 in LA.

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Still reveling on the Red Sox win which was more thrilling than it should have been.

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Josh Lewin just commented about the view of Lake Washington. Not a camera shot but LOL.

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A solid tackle!

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Blatant hold!

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Lake Washington shot!

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Second Lake Washington shot (closeup on the boat dock)!

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Nice that the D kept them out, but they aren’t looking convincing

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wow, am I late to the party! Looks like only down 3, so that's okay.

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That pass was dead-on; how were the previous passes?

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What’s the story with Phillips?

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We were just wondering this too. Anyone know?

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Is Brittain Brown also out? UCLA has had Keegan Jones and Allen line up in the backfield but haven’t noticed Brown yet

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Great blocking, and great run by Charbonnet!

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Gotta have incontrovertible proof, and I haven't seen it

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Nice drive!

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DTR still spraying the ball around. Receivers making great catches

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Good to have Lake back

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So that's what a muffed hike looks like on the other side of the ball!

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I was thinking the same thing

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great minds, and all that! LOL

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I never wanna see that again as long as I live…

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No one should ever see that again....EVER!

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I agree. What is with that play...again??

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Shoulda been a TD.

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3rd down-- let's go, D!!

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I'll take a 3 and out! Good job, D!!

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Receiver never had a chance

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Good field position, would be nice to get to the half up by more than a TD. Bruins get the ball first in the 2nd half too.

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Our O looks so much better than last week, and against a better team. We're so weird!

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They got it!!

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DTR with the keeper TD!! good luck finding video to turn that over!

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They ain’t taking that off…nothing definitive…

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Oh wow, scary.

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Run D showing up today

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and, yeah, that's why I didn't mention pass D smh

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I am SO TIRED of hearing the words Bush push. Fer chrissakes!

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We got lucky Udub dropped that pass!

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Dern playing ten yards off!

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Should’ve been offensive PI on UW

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Right now the clock is our friend... our pass D is not

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Should’ve been PI…

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He pushed off. Again. The other time he didn’t catch the ball.

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Chip better be chirping in ref's ear about that all second half

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Nice run, son!

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FG wide right

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Too far…

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These TV announcers are atrocious, very one sided on how they are calling this game.

Defensively, it’s crucial to have safety help over the top, as our dbs have an issue staying with their man. 2nd half adjustments are crucial and if not implemented things can change for the worse

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I've yet to see valid second-half adjustments on D, but hope remains eternal!

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They keep running into the same wall. Hopefully we make the needed adjustments

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Offensively, keep running it with our two rbs, with a mixture of play action. This is obviously a winnable game. Let’s just execute

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