Is this a basketball?!?!

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Yes, that's a basketball!!!!

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Who is missing?

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Jaquez not playing. Don't know why.

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He is in

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Oh, good! The pregame studio guys said he was out.

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They said Juzang was out

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You're right. Too many Js for me. Argh.

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J.Hill knee injury

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Tyler looking good. Nice mix of penetration and midrange stuff.

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Good solid start on D.

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Juzang out with foot injury

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UCLA has the best hair that’s for sure.

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With Hill and Juzang out, we are thin on bigs

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SDSU playing good defense

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Man we have gone cold.

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their defense is solid

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Definitely, but we missed a couple missed drives at the rim and just had an open airball from 3.

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Missing Hill that’s for sure.

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Need to find offense

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I've missed UCLA basketball

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Me too

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We gonna see Clark tonight?

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If Riley gets in foul trouble, we're done tonight

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Not getting to the line

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Not handling their defense at all

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Offense is sloppy and unorganized.

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first FT's

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No bigs in game

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I really don't like the officiating this half.

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Wow, adjustments needed

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Bruins down 34-28 at half

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I think missing Juzang and Hill is huge. Probably changed much of the offense

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Too many whistles

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Only 3 FTs can’t win like that

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Ugh slow start

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Terrible defense

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Getting away from us already

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Sophomore swoon for Tyger so far

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Keep working it deep and take more fouls

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Tyger beat out on the perimeter

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3 fouls on Smith

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Well we’re hanging in there. Under Alford we’d be heading for the exits.

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Nothing easy at either end right now.

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Going small again

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That wasn't very successful first half

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4 fouls on Smith

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Gomez is killing us.

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SDSU teaching us a lesson about marking tight around the perimeter

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Not looking strong in this first game

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Tyger not acceptable tonight

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We’re out of synch on both ends. SDSU is in synch.

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Riley looking good at least.

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We seem to be moving the ball slowly around the perimeter. That is on Tyger

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Our frontline too thin tonight, and maybe all season

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Cronin’ll coach em up.

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not enough bodies

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Yeah we really miss Hill.

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Smith fouls out

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Cody with 3 fouls

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We were not ready. Was hoping Cronin would have done better

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Aztecs were.

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