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Awesome! Now we need to win to make it a really great night!

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Oct 10, 2021Liked by Joe Piechowski

UCLA Fight! Fight! Fight!

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Rod Gilmore just said that DTR has not been inconsistent. What team has he been watching?

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LOL I was just about to comment on that too!

ESPN has to demonstrate its incompetence right off the bat.

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Gilmore has always been an idiot.

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He is in the right place.

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He called him arguably one of the best QBs in the country. Who’s arguing that??

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Jedd Fisch in a visor looks quite a bit like Jeff Goldblum

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It's the glasses.

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Let's see if we can get a 3 and out

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Did you mean right there or just tonight?

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Hell, Gregg, I'll take whatever I can get!

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Wow.. they're in the red zone with uptempo offense

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Lets' go, D!!

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Meanwhile, Utah is up 35-10 at the Mausoleum vs the trogans at the end of the 3rd

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Oct 10, 2021Liked by Joe Piechowski

Go Utes!

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I totally don't get that last AZ play call, but I'll take it!!

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There goes the shutout.

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If you were expecting a shutout, I need to know what team have YOU been watching?!?! LOL

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It's somewhat disheartening that they moved the ball largely through the run that series. Gotta shut them down!

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Nice job by DTR chucking that pass after terrible snap

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Why does this happen every game

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Was thinking the same thing

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Cuz we kee changing the center?

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I thought Jon Gaines was doing well the first couple of games. Then it went downhill

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Dimitri discussed that specifically in the Eye Test this week

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That's a very legit question

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One of the best incompletions ever

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DTR has had plenty of practice with bad snaps.

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Nice slide, DTR!! Love it!

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Good to see the run game clicking early

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Just was thinking that!

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Looks like we're going for it on 4th

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jfc we can't even get a play in

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Now _that_ play call I like!!

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aTm up on Bama 41-27 beginning of 4th

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FACK! I mean 31-27 fat thumbs LOL

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Oh, that's less nice than I thought

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Aggies have been the aggressor all game; surprised that isn't the score tbh

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I saw aTm had a pretty big lead at half. Bama is closing in on them

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Go, Aggies!

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Not a sack, but great hit on the QB

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The QB with 5 INTs is dicing our secondary. smh.

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We only rushed 3 yet their man was wide open coming back to the ball

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Once again our D making a freshman QB Look like an Heisman candidate

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117 yds to our 60 yds, they've dominated time of possession, yet we're up 7-6. So much for their up-tempo game.

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DTR is off tonight

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He is starting off pretty rough

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The guys calling the game are saying it’s because he’s so beat up from last 2 games

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They've never been people whose opinion I listen to

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Wow we are just not good right now , this is the worst team in the conference and we look slow and sloppy

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Definitely playing down to the competition

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Geez, efense.

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Akude down on the field-- hope he's okay!!

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* Agude

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I feel like I’m watching. Jr college game

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Defense is non existent. Looks like they’re dancing around but really have no plan.

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Tbe no stop D.

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I didn’t think players were allowed to play with Nose jewelry?

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What?…….. we made a stop? I’ll be damned!

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Touchdown on the option!!

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14-6, UCLA

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Interesting that the offense is checking in before the snap. Last year that worked well and I’m surprised we didn’t do more of that earlier this season.

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Alabama goes down!

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On any Saturday!!!!

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True that!

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aTm 41-bama 38 final FG final play

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Would love to see Cincy in the Playoff

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Crap, they're gonna call targeting

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Well, yay, I guess

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There is the obligatory stupid penalty to extend a drive.

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15 yd penalty better than 30+ yd gain I suppose

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I was talking about the face mask when we got the stop

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Too many penalities to keep up with

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Seriously. By the time I type a comment there have been 2 more penalties!

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Not sure I agree with that PI call

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Let’s see if we can get a penalty on every play

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I swear it's not really that difficult

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