I thought that DTR played one of the best games of his career. He was solid. I think the punter ran to evade the rush, it was not a designed play.

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Too bad he threw that pick at the UCLA 30 yard line. I have to agree though, he did play a good game and his accuracy was good tonight.

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I agree. It was one of the best games DTR has played.

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Chip just needs to fricking go. His play calling is ridiculous!

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Overall, I disagree. The offense put up points. There were also some head scratchers in there, such as running Keegan Jones on a key 3rd and one.

We has 2 special teams screw ups that have happened before. The blown up put and the kickoff return. It’s also fair to notice the improvement this year. SC is clearly more talented and we made too many mistakes to win.

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They lucked out beating the two worst teams in the Pac12, one which wasn't on the original schedule, and an ASU team which hadn't played a game in a month. There really wasn't that big of an improvement.....more like luck, IMO. Blowing an 18 point lead against your inner city rival stings!

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First, I’m as angry about losing to those classless a$$holes as anyone else. It’s difficult to gauge too much about this season, given the pandemic. You minimize the wins but forget that we were missing some key players. Because of being angry, I think the analysis is a bit tainted. MY main complaint about last night was not having our best running back on the field for that key 3rd and 1 play late in the 4th quarter. I think we pick up that first down with either Felton or Brown with the ball in their hands. If we get that first down, it’s likely we win the game. So, it’s not a small complaint. If I look at the team overall, I see growth. I do have concerns about recruiting. Who doesn’t? But, I don’t get into the Fire Chip Sweepstakes because it’s really wasted energy. He’s not going anywhere with our budget issues, which is a point I have made several times. At least we will have beautiful shoes next year.,

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Army, 2021 class is 11th in the Pac12. That is shit. So your concerns about recruiting are valid. UCLA plays Stanford next weekend. I hope it's not another letdown. I am tired of losing. I am glad for the three wins, I just don't find them that impressive.

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Chip’s play calling produced only 10 points in the final 27 minutes of the game.

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My ultimate thought is if you are putting a lot of faith that Chip Kelly can continue to look good in a non-pandemic season, then I have a bridge to sell you. This is, most likely, as good as it gets for Chip.

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Dmitri, we don’t need a bridge. We will be sporting the Jumpman logo and shoes.

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I understand wanting to go quickly on 4th and 1 on the 4th quarter drive. Appeared to me SC was confused, but apparently we were too. Once we stood there just waiting, looking over to the bench for a play signal to come from the bench- losing the intended effect of running the play quickly to begin with- shouldn’t we have called time out? We had three t.o’s and at the time it was a hugely important play. Also once we allowed SC to set up, a t.o. would have enabled Felton to get back in the game

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I would add the following to Joe’s game summary:

1. Play calling got very predictable in the fourth quarter, far too many obvious run calls that went for zero or minus yards. As well as DTR passed, Chip should have passed even more.

2. Don’t forget the kickoff return, which doomed us to, at a minimum, a game winning FG attempt by SC. Coverage team seemed unready for anything other than a touchback or fair catch.

3. Typically awfully Chip clock management. Despite three timeouts, UCLA was going too fast on the go ahead FG drive, making it so USC would get the ball back unless we got that third and three with about 1:00 left. Naturally Chip called an obvious run for no gain and USC had plenty of time to put their unstoppable passing game back out there needing only FG. Then Chip let too much time run off when USC got inside the 10 with 0:33 left. Chip ended up taking one timeout with him on the bus back to Westwood. It’s inexcusably poor game managing skills, just like the loss at Oregon.

This loss is squarely on Chip and staff, the players did well enough to win.

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The “tactical” genius of Chip:

After our FG to take the lead with a minute left, SC was desperate, so they ran back the kick off. It paid dividends.

After the SC TD with :17 remaining, UCLA was desperate. So did we do the same? No. We took the fair catch on the kick off, giving us one less opportunity for an explosive play.

Chip likes to take risks, no doubt (like running up the middle on fourth and two from our own 35); but he’s Gotta know WHEN to take risks, and Chip doesn’t seem to have this figured out.

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"Dorian Thompson-Robinson managed to evade the Southern Cal pass rush to heave the **bowl** downfield into the end zone..."

Joe, always enjoy your write-ups but just wanted to call your attention to the above; you might want edit for posterity. But I understand; I would have watched the end of this game but I had to get up and go heave into THE BOWL as well.

Also, I don't believe this loss actually counts in the perennial Big Game totals, does it? I mean, there were NO FANS in attendance so it was just a scrimmage, wasn't it? You know, like the other six scrimmages this year!

In point of fact, unlike the lovely and talented Ms Home (below), I am not nearly as enamored with DTR's performance this game, this year, and, in fact, his career. How many years does he have left with us? Three? Four? My how time flies when you're having fun! Or like the frogs say. "My, how time is fun when you're having flies."

While the kids must have been upset with SC last-minute game swipe, I am sure The Portly Pretender Coach had a wonderful post-game meal prepared for them by his catering service. You know, roasted Cornish game hen, chips, chocolate mousse, all the fixings, etc.

Cynically yours for a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!


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I agree with Lisa Horne (not Home). Last night's game was one of the best, if not *the* best of his career at UCLA. But, of course, his career so far has been underwhelming. So, the bar was not set very high.

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Sadly, I also agree with that assessment.

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..I am in the midst of re-watching the epic British comedy series, "Yes, Minister" and "Yes, Prime Minister" and so many of your elegant statements in this area of endeavor (viz, the one above especially) are reminiscent of the wonderful Sir Humphrey Appleby! Ms Horne's earnestness and analysis is very much appreciated as well.

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wait... was the "lovely and talented Ms. Horne" also cynical? Or a real compliment? Thanks! [bats lashes and blushes]

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Fondly, dear lady, it hits the mark and meant with the utmost of respect. Soldier on!

(See comment to Joe above. )

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FWIW, just rewatched the game. Biggest coaching errors: leaving Felton out on 4th and 1 and special teams coverage on that KO return. The coverage was truly awful. I almost think that the players just assumed the game was over and SC wasn't going to be interested in winning the game. It's painful for Bruin fans to rewatch the game but except for the last 3 minutes, Kelly outcoached Helton.

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