Good summary, Dimitri.

In sports, there is the stuff you can control and the stuff you can't, and I hope our team is only worrying about what they can control. I feel like they played really hard and I'm really proud of how much adversity they overcame to make it a 3 point game late. Unfortunately, they just didn't make enough shots tonight. Johnny was coming back from covid so that may explain his subpar performance. Riley missed on 3 straight possessions down the stretch when he is usually pretty clutch. The team as a whole was ice cold from 3 and those lost points add up in a hurry. I feel like the team wasn't as aggressive or confident as they could have been on offense, esp in the fist half and AZ's size inside likely had something to do with that. So overall, those were a few factors that contributed to a rough performance on the road against a good and highly motivated team and so we came up short. The good news is all of those things are in our team's power to fix and I feel just fine about meeting those assclowns (see their post game act?) again in the Pac12 Tourney.

The things you can't control...I don't know how the officiating continues to be as horrible as it is year after year. AZ made 8 more free throws than we even attempted. That disparity wasn't remotely representative of how that game was played. MFSPTRs. The fact our guys cut it to 3 with that crap going on is even more respectable. Our guys played a gritty grinding game against a ton of adversity and I hope they take a lot of positives out of this performance.

Bring that effort and intensity, shoot better, and go beat ASU.

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Feb 4, 2022·edited Feb 4, 2022

tbh i laughed when I read the headline because I assume he just punched someone in a bar....but spitting is disgusting. Suspend him for the 2 games.

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yeah 2 game suspension and required haircut sounds right

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Actual reporting from non-Arizona sources has revealed that Etienne was merely cited and not arrested. He is still traveling with the team.

What we should learn from all this is that most Arizona media are bad at their jobs.

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Per Sgt. Sean Shields of the University of Arizona police: "We allowed him to go with the team back to the locker room. And he was arrested for assault."

Sounds like he was arrested.

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From Bolch's reporting, it seems Shields was being overly dramatic about the proceedings. Mac was "arrested" in that he was given a citation. It's similar to you getting a speeding ticket, but he did not go to jail or anything like that. He's still with the team and will likely head back to Westwood, and I would guess he won't be going on road trips in the future. I would also guess that the DA will bump it down to a minor infraction given the circumstances.

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Just because he did not go to jail does not mean he was not arrested. The reporting is accurate. Now, it would have been false if the report had said he was taken to jail. But of course just because one is arrested does not mean he was taken to jail.

Also, in Arizona criminal violations are not referred to as infractions. It's a felony or a misdemeanor. Etienne was arrested and cited on suspicion of misdemeanor assault. In Arizona, there is no mandatory jail for misdemeanor assault like some other misdemeanors. His harshest punishment will likely come from Mick Cronin after he pays a fine for the misdemeanor.

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It's a jumped-up overreaction from a mall cop, and I'm not sure why we are giving it that much air.

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He was arrested and cited by University of Arizona police. Calling them "mall cops" would be like calling UCPD "mall cops."

They are trained police officers, not mall security.

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