We are planning on going to the UCLA game on Saturday at Cal. Already confirmed with their ticket office that we can get a refund if the game is not played due to COVID. Since Cal just played ASU on Sunday, I guess there is strong possibility that there will be an outbreak among the Cal players.

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Note that this is not an "outbreak" among ASU. It's just players in protocols. Like UCLA, ASU's covid protocols are created by the inept Pac 12 conference. The protocols were finally updated on December 31, but they are basically still based on what we knew about the virus 18 months ago. These are also minimum protocols, and schools can impose for strict protocols. UCLA refuses to public its athletic protocols, but it has in the past included outdated contact tracing that is even more broad sweeping than the Pac 12 contact tracing rules.

To give you an idea of how broad the conference's contact tracing rules are, they state that a vaccinated player who has a "high risk exposure" to someone "suspected" of having covid must either 1) receive a negative PCR test or 2) two negative antigen tests 24 hours apart. Since the PCR tests do not yield same day results, and the antigen tests must be 24 hours a part, this means that anyone who comes in contact with someone "suspected" of having covid is basically out for 2 days minimum. Here's the problem. How do they define suspected? Anyone with "symptoms." What are symptoms? This includes a runny nose. Ask yourself how often you walk by someone, or even talk to, someone who coughs or has a runny nose, or any of the other covid symptoms that overlap with the common cold? Personally, I'd be in covid protocols several times a week.

These protocols are incredibly outdated, and most conferences have updated theirs to reflect covid science. The NFL literally allows players who are covid positive to play. Rhode Island just announced you can actually go to work with a positive covid test. Yet the Pac 12 is stuck with the 2020 mind set that encountering anyone not wearing a mask is a life risking endeavor.

If any of our boys actually are sick, then they should not practice or play and should be isolated from the team, just as if it were 2019 and they came down with the flu. But in 2022, there is no need to "quarantine" a vaccinated 18 year old who had a 20 second conversation with someone who coughed. It cost us the Holiday Bowl, now it is costing us our basketball season.

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Lol, if this is true what a mess.

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it's true. it's online. pro sports dealt with this mess but they eventually updated the protocols. NFL literally lets covid positive play.

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Knowing the City of Berkeley and what happened to Cal's football game vs. Arizona, I fully expect the game on Saturday to be cancelled "as an abundance of caution". So frustrating but hope springs eternal.

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I think it's up to the school to impose more restrictive protocols, but your opinion would still apply....probably even more.

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University Health Services and the City of Berkeley were not cast in a positive light in November. It was a real mess.

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It’s sure starting to look that way. If the selfish millions out there who refuse to get vaccinated would just get their damn shots we could end this nightmare. I swear to Christ...

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what evidence do you have that unvaccinated people are in any way responsible for UCLA's basketball games being cancelled.

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***not expecting a response***

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Honestly, this is a very ignorant comment. Nobody disputes that the vaccinated people can transmit Covid, or that the vaccines offer very little protection against the omicron variant.

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Cronin said that he and 10 players tested positive. Only 3 scholarship players did not test positive.

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this is actually pretty good news. We don't really know how long natural immunity lasts, but we know it's longer than 3 months. If 10 players and Cronin actually tested positive, they are in the clear through the tournament. Too bad the other 3 didn't catch it too. Better to get this out of the way now than potentially forfeit in March.

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In his interview, he said he’s trying to schedule any team wed or thurs from any conference, even considering div2 to try to get some type of game in. He also said that the Oregon schools might have Covid problems and a possibility is scheduling an extra game with usc next week.

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So sobering getting the UCLA BBall team case files in my inbox. (Public Health Team Lead)

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Sorry you have to get them. Thank you for what you are doing.

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And Thank you! Helps me keep busy for a re-application (as a re-matriculant) to med school in the near future (if they ever stop cancelling my MCAT test spots)!

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