Glad to see the Bruins continue to trend in the right direction after the Utah embarassment. Look forward to a better game against the ugly Ducklings at Pauley on Saturday. Go Bruins!

Not sure that any amount of "hopium" will work for the Bruin football program, though. If Chip Alford is able to land that Washington Commanders' OC position, then the Bruins must rely upon Martin Guerrero and a search committee to hire a suitable replacement. But if Chip Alford strikes out on escaping to the NFL, then the Bruins remain stuck with a mediocre ("offensive genius") coach who has become even less interested and motivated to succeed at the collegiate level. What a dumpster fire situation indeed...

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Dylan Andrews defense on pope was pretty frigging good. Looks like there weren’t a lot in attendance??

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Wow, someone who also noted his defense! 2 games in a row where Andrews defended well against good players, Pope and Boogie. Don’t get addicted to the hopium. It could turn bad at any moment.

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Rainy night fans

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