It would be nice to have more games that do not risk heart failure, especially in the closing minutes

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It sure would, Alan!

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Come what may. I do not suffer irregular heartbeats, high blood pressure etc A win is a win and I take it anytime.

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Well, you are fortunate, Henry. But all's well that ends well.

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I count my blessings and never take anything mother nature gives me for granted. A Wisconsin grad school friend ( he was research assistant in the school of chemical engineering and I was teaching assistant in the history

department ) and a fervent sports fan like me, recently suffered a massive stroke. The cause of which remains murky. His adult son whom I used to cradle as a baby, found his dad semi conscious in the bathroom one afternoon and rushed him to the hospital. Had he been found a little later, he would have missed the window for rehabilitation and recovery. It was that close and harrowing, my friend. That is why I said come what may. However way we may win or lose, I would take it because you and know well, our health is more than precious to be jeopardized by a sports game. Besides, in Cronin we trust.

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At least the Bruins are becoming more capable of closing out on the winning side. Hope to see them start putting together 2 good halves of basketball. Too bad for the women's team, though. Last second shots are always a tough way to lose...

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These Bruins are now playing a version of basketball that all alums can be proud off. They are playing with a passion and vindictiveness that was missing in the early part of the season. I credit Cronin for getting them to this point.

The last test is Sunday, if these kids can best Utah, I’ll say our boys have arrived. Regardless, these young Bruins have made me a MOW supporter.

Let’s have an 8 clap for these youngsters. This coming from an ‘86 grad!

UCLA rah rah rah!

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100% on Coach Cronin. He has done a spectacular job with this young team. Even if/when we beat Utah, Arizona will be the true test that puts us in clear view.

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I stand by my comments from a month ago that this is not a good roster. And that just speaks to Mick's ability as a coach. This is one of the best coaching jobs we've seen in recent memory. He has turned Dylan Andrews into a legit PG and what he's done with Lazar, who did not look like he belonged on a D1 roster, is nothing short of spectacular.

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This is why I often described Cronin as a good material coach. A roster is a roster for any NCAA Division I program. Nobody goes out their way to sign subpar players. Whoever they get is who they think would fit their program. Cronin, through thick or thin, makes the best use of them in his case. They will invariably play up to their potentials as their college career progresses. Mick Cronin is the antithesis to Steve Alford. How certain people, reminiscent of the Kelly apologists, defended Alford then rankles me to this day.

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Oops, .... goes out OF their way, that is .

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Steve Alford got great recruiting classes, but he would not do so today. NIL would be even worse off with him.

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Alford only cared about getting his son into the G-league.

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Indiana's Mr. Basketball was Bobby Knight's personal favorite. Other than that, there is nothing distinguished about him.

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Bobby could hit a 3 with a chair.

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Getting Bryce into the NBA G-League? Former UCLA HC Alford failed at that too--his son is currently playing for a team in Poland. At best, the former HC used UCLA's name to recruit 5-stars and one-and-dones and letting them improvise on the court until they flopped after reaching the Sweet-16. Sad that it took 5-1/2 seasons of folks getting sick from fake "hopium" to make the coaching change.

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Thanks for the info on Bryce. Alfraud was a disaster.

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You mean Steve Alford got great recruiting classes then, but given the current circumstances, he would not be able to replicate it today had he tried ?

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There's still a lot of games left, but I'm hoping Coach Cronin wins the final Pac-12 Coach of the Year award. Thank goodness there are no more Alfords remaining at UCLA! The Bruins need to give Utah some payback this Sunday. Go Bruins!

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Yeap, it's payback time, baby !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It will be a beat down and I want to see it happen before my eyes.

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Did not watch… ucla making a season comeback it would seem… still think they need to win out for a chance at the tourney, but it could happen

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Hi my friend. You are back ! Goodness gracious sake's alive ( quoting Wooden ), LOL !!! Our recent wins must have convinced you that it really is not so much about hopium than the solid progress that makes you want to comment again, right ? This is Cronin's trademark. Many were concerned that he could be another Howland. Relax, nothing could be further from reality.

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There has definitely been a lot of progress. I haven’t been able to watch many of the games as of late

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That is fine, my friend. We are all fervent bruin fans and alums. Cronin coaches well. Warts and all, his players are performing up to par as we speak. This is all we care. My worry and concerns with the football programs have also been ameliorated. Foster will do his best and I know he will surprise many skeptics, granted his debut season may be tough but I am all in for him come hell or high water. I put my money where my mouth is. The season tickets are renewed plus an additional donation. Enough said.

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Love this Henry! 💙💛

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They figured out how to pass out of the post.

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Goodness gracious sakes alive, Bruins, hold a lead and please no more multiple, lengthy scoring droughts.

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Those scoring droughts and heart pounding endings are unbelievable, in a 'I can't take this anymore' kind of way! 🤣

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That's how they won a lot of their games in 2019-20. They weren't lighting the scoreboard on fire.

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I love that quote enough to also use it in my response to our dear friend and comrade bruinbaket too, LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, is there an apostrophe to it or no ???

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Grammar police:

Goodness' gracious sakes.

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Whelp wonder if the pac-12 has any hope of being revived:


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I think there is hope to revive on some level but Oregon State and Wash State will need the funds and saavy to put together a conference that will attract a big media deal. Good ole George being gone is a nice start...

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put it this way. there's a reason why OSU and WSU only have a scheduling agreement with the Mountain West.

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I'm sorry to hear that. I had a congenital malformation of an artery in my brain ('AVM') that ruptured out of no where twenty years ago. The Doc in the SICU that saw me told me a year later that his prognosis was "If I lived I wouldn't walk again". I did both.

I was completely asymptomatic, and it just goes to show there may be time bombs inside of us we can't know of without expensive and invasive examinations. Best of luck for a good recovery for your friend, Henry! I'm afraid it will be life changing.

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