Go bruins! Arizona is going to be tough, but if we play like we have been playing recently, we should be able to give them a game.

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Personally, I have a lot of faith in this team and Cronin. Given the fact that (I’m pretty sure) it is the most inexperienced team in the final year of the PAC 12, as the season goes on the raw talent we all know is there will continue to improve. There’s going to be more stinkers like the game against Spewta sure, but overall I’m predicting a winning PAC 12 record and a win or two in the PAC 12 tournament (if there is a tournament this year).

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It's going to be a season maybe not with the massive joy of making the NCAA tournament but small joys like this win. A season remembered fondly in the context of the subsequent seasons' successes because of how these young men came together in these three months.

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Or in the pleasure of playing the spoiler in this final Pac12 season.

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Prior to the start of the season, the Bruins had been predicted to finish 3rd in the Pac-12, so maybe it's not unrealistic to think that they'll still be able to climb further up in the standings, attain a winning regular season record, or get one or two wins during the conference tournament. During their losing streak, though, a helping dose of that "hopium" was necessary to believe that any such outcomes could be remotely possible for this team.

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I've only been observing, I never paid for this membership. Maybe the rules changed, I believed you weren't able to comment or see all the articles if you didn't pay something.

I appreciate G Bruin, Dimitri, & other contributors and the fans comments as well. SbNation site has been taken off life support. The rule that led to this place being born was idiotic, I work in an industry that is being taken over by do gooder's who are actually harming that industry. I don't want to be an employee! I don't want a schedule! If I had been made an employee, I'd have been subject to Orwellian mandates that would have led to me quitting! Maybe I'd have been entitled to some retro pay like many others are now getting.

On to the real subject matter. Could Mick have recrited better for this transition year? Yes, hindsight, is always 2020!

But some may transfer, hopefully the guys who came here to be coached won't bail, some who don't fulfill CMC's his basic asks and demands, see ya! But Burke, Vide, Fibleul, Mara, S Mack (Jules Bernard's brother from another mother) and *Brandon Williams will stay and benefit from being coached to give effort on the defensive end. As well as all parts of playing fundamentally sound team basketball.

Williams might be our a JJJ of this team.

He stepped up, with some increased playing time. Hasn't been highly consistent but he's shown heart and what Mick said in his post game conference. Something about recruiting him for that instead of his skills.

I've had I think 2 or 3 comments before this one. If he stays all 4 years he could be an NBA member, like JJJ, and other Alford recruits that probably would not have had the opportunity to be considered for the next level. He did not improve or coach up those young men!

Mick whether you like him or not is a guy who gets the best from his players, the old getting the team as a whole to play beyond their combined skill sets as individuals to play a team game. To beat an Alford team who has a more talented but "uncoached" or a team that has 3-5 ego driven players who may develop at the next level. But with no thanks to Alford.

Bruinbaskets, like another SB nation contributor/commentor seemed to have something against Cronin. Bruinnette88 seemed to not like the hire either. My handle was NYSDiehardbruinfan from years ago on Sb nation. She seemed to have received enough pushback from commentary that she stopped posting comments. I'm sure that final 4 run sealed that situation.

My point is we can easily be critics, easiest job in the world! But to point out things, flaws, would've, could've, should've is easy in hindsight. But they are improving, less turnovers, 11 tonight to ASU's 6. Effort, overall, to get better fundamentally. Is where I see the slow but hopefully steady improvement. I'm not a fan of screaming coaches. I felt sorry for JJJ who I'm sure never made the decision to be offended by Cronin's militant demeanor during losses or stretches of unforced turnovers and inconsistent play that led to comebacks or losses. He I'm sure is grateful for how he was coached, praised and mentored under Cronin. I like Mick, but I'm not privy to practices or halftime speeches so I'm basing that on post-game observations and other interviews. He's got a decent comical approach, self depricating* at times. He's usually kind of a jerk after losses to some dumb questions or even valid one's! But overall I'm very happy with his track record so far.

I'm not an expert on the NIL or other new stats things, or things like how salary caps, etc. work in this day and age of different sports. But I think I have an eye to spot improvement and overall feel for teams during seasons.

I'm not saying peope who state Cronin isn't much of an offensive guru, or that his style isn't a showtime, uptempo, pack fans into Pauley, are 100% wrong. But i do disagree that he'll soon be gone, or should be gone.

Watson didn't get a lot of playing time for such a highly ranked recruit. But on that team, he didn't need to, Bailey seemed to improve and be given more of a greenlight to takeover after injuries.

Could he have made better decisions on playing time and other decisions over his tenure? Sure, but I like knowing that as far as this team is concerned, we have a very low skilled roster, inexperience, not any real scorers other than S "Jules" Mack. I really like Andrew's game, he's no Tyger, but his shots seem to be right there but not going in. Stefanovic has not been the rock of consistency that we hoped, but is showing signs of possibly being that by the end of this tough season.

I'd give Cronin the benefit of the doubt that some are not. I did not see tonight's game. Rarely do I miss one. "SteamEast"

*hint & and YouTube are alternatives to a sports bar or simply listening on radio if you're a local. I have Pac 12 network on Fubu but the channel doesn't make since to me, no live games! Only weird programs!

Parity now more than ever is obviously a tough hurdle, to be a year in year out top 25, lock for the tournament. Certain coaches get a little help year after year. I see Mich St teams getting in because of Izzo, or other hall of fame coaches. I think Micks rep is growing. If he can get this team back to being competitive every game, regardless of outcome, but remember he gets that $ to win games, deep runs in the tournament and hopefully Chips! Not for filling Pauley, with the weather, celebrities who don't attend all games, and other factors related to administration not catering to the most important people, the students who should have very reasonable pricing and access to the home games.

It sucks that schools like Minnesota Gophers, or the Dayton Flyers or any other middle of the pack teams have a huge home court advantages because of the student body and other loyal fans who show up, inclement weather and all.

But we know we have special or different circumstances.

I probably said way too much to get my points expressed. For anyone who resd all of this post, incoherent rant, thanks.

PS I don't think Cronin has set UCLA basketball back, but his work this year and next will hopefully be big factors moving forward. Big 10 traveling, and competition will be tough, but remember Louisville's Denny Crumb used to schedule tough early season opponents to help the team later in the season. It helped win a chip over a young Bruin team, Rocket Rod, David Greenwood, and Coach Brown like Cronin's 1st team came close to getting us a banner!

PS2 How were we competitive in early games against better teams? Mick Cronin is the only answer I have!

Gonzaga, Maryland, Ohio St., Marquette, Villanova. You don't play competitive games against more experienced teams and be lucky in all those games. That's preparation, effort and coaching!

5 losses that we could have won, but in hindsight, losses that gave us experience against teams with a more talented experienced rosters. Failure teaches or are opportunities to learn your about deficiencies, and be better prepared next opportunity. Adversity is good, everything in life is an opportunity to learn. Teaching moments are occurring all the time, most of us never look at it that way.

Instead of saying why is this happening? Say what is this trying to teach me?

GO BRUINS! SORRY ABOUT THIS RIDICULOUSLY LONG , not well structured post. 4:35 am in upstate Nanny. NY

I'm glad I saw baskets posts. I'm happy in this new censorship age his posts weren't deleted. But we should be nicer to everyone as a general rule. In a world where you can be anything, being nice or respectful is always an option. If you can't find nice people, be one and lead by example!

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Jan 18·edited Jan 18

B88 objected to CMC adding an assistant coach who defended an abuser, not to his hire. I don't claim to know whether she has returned to the fold now that the coach of concern has left the staff. I do miss her volleyball and soccer insights.

"Jules Mack" will join my lexicon along with "Chip Alford."

Yes, please show respect to Baskets and Tamara regardless of your differences with their opinions.

And this pulling rank on one's opinion according to an imagined hierarchy of credibility is nonsense.

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Coach Cronin may seem like an angry, tough drill sergeant, but thank goodness he isn't anything like Gregg Marshall was at Wichita State (forced to resign for verbal and physical abuse). Yeah, I'm all for passionate posting, minus the personal attacking. Appreciate the opportunity to cheer and vent after games with fellow Bruins and fans on The Mighty Bruin.

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On the record, while we do have subscriptions available, we put everything out for free, though sometimes the system itself goofs and makes it impossible for non-subscribers to comment. The subs are basically a tip jar for the work if you really think about it.

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I wasn't able to join the live thread last night because it said it was for paid subscribers only, but it was a nice win, and a great comeback! Go Bruins!!

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Ry, for you and Matthew above: I am not banging on you as being "freeloaders", in fact, I am glad to have as many Bruin fans as can shoehorn themselves in! I and a lot of folks here came over from Bruins Nation and settled in. There was a bargain rate as a buy-in when we started and I thought, "oh yeah, well, just text and no posting pics of graphics or other embellishments so I'll just ride out the first season because in my economic situation, I am not sure this would fit in my budget."

Then I got auto-renewed and figured, "What the hell! Couldn't hurt!"

But there's like a family here and -- I gotta tell you -- the coverage and effort by Joe and Dimitri and others (especially the commentariat) beats the skippy out of the OC Ragister [sic] or Los Angeles Slimes [siccer] BECAUSE THESE FOLKS ARE DEDICATED BRUINS and we seem to stick together through mostly thick and thin.

I never thought the horror show that was the raging stink bomb of The Ol' Chipster's "Reign of Mediocrity" could be fun. But it was certainly made bearable with some truly erudite kvetching by the folks here. Some of us go back to the sixties (and barely remember them) so we have seen GREAT UCLA sports regimes. The younger among us have labored through more mediocre times but ALL have decent comments and observations.

Bottom line: sure hope we can financially support this site; to me, it's a bargain!

The War Planner

UCLA '68

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Players lacking aptitude? The road victory against ASU is a good sign that the Bruins are in the process of learning how to win. Coach Cronin not a great coach? He's won conference coach of the year awards at all 3 schools he's been at (Murray State, Cincinnati, and twice at UCLA), as well being named a Naismith Coach of the Year Award semi-finalist last season. Defense, deflections, rebounding, effort, and having one or more reliable "go-to" guys during offensive possessions seem to be his unchanging priorities. But those are the reasons that enable his teams to be so gritty and resilient. Hope they'll compete well against the Mildcats. Go Bruins!

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CC is like 1000000000 times better them the guy who came before.

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Would be fun to see the Bruins face Nevada in a non-conference, regular-season game or during March Madness...

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Such a marked improvement from the Cal game a few short weeks ago - in the first half, we were playing good basketball making the right decisions for the most part even though the shots weren't falling... Then, Bona took over down low, shots began falling when the ball was kicked out, Mack took guys on with aggressive control, and, most importantly, the Bruins were intense but kept their poise in a road environment while Angry Bobby went nuts and his team followed his lead to collect well-deserved Ts that helped fuel our 15-0 run. Which, yes, shows good coaching! As does finishing in a close game especially after so many close losses - not only do we not win this game earlier, it seems to me we don't even make that run without the "lost 10 days" of Stanford, Cal, and Utah and the choice to fight and that followed. Best and most fun game of the season (so far)

One more thing to echo an earlier game summary though - fortunate to be there, first time at ASU, and have to say, the game presentation at ASU - especially the emphasis on letting the band provide the vast majority of the soundtrack of the evening rather than piped in PA music - created a much better college atmosphere than can be typical at Pauley - let's the game breathe... Just my opinion.

Go BRUINS - on to McKale!

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Everyone has seemed to overlook the the play of much maligned on this site "super" Serbian Stefanovic in this game. 18 points, 6 rebounds, and 2 assists to lead the team. Hopefully this will continue....

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You're right - last night he showed a lot of leadership and poise in the 2nd half and was largely nails from the line... Much more as advertised when he transferred in - credit where credit is due.

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I wasn’t able to comment on the game thread too, but before the game, I was gonna comment “oh sh**, it’s Tony Padilla” and after the game I became “hell yeah, Tony Padilla!”

But yea impressed with the poise our young team showed especially when the team of older upperclassmen in ASU collectively lost their cool in the second half. Mick talked about making a strategic change to have Mack drive more after ASU started guarding the 3 more tightly since UCLA was dropping them at a higher than average rate last night. So great job showing confidence in the freshman and Mack delivered, showing great control of his body and his emotions as the game went on. Shoutout to Bona for career high 7 blocks, Lazar who has been maligned all season long (not at all unfairly) but came through as the teams leading scorer, and Berke for continuing to show offensive improvement!

Personally I do think ucla has it in them to win the conference tourney. Every team looks beatable and ucla has some great improvement the last two games. Progress won’t be linear - beating AZ at McKale is always tough- but the trend is good. That loss to Utah was much needed to spark the Bruins

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Chenalax, I was thinking the same thing re: Padilla. This being our final season in the Pac-12, perhaps he is trying to redeem himself. But he did handle the situation well. I am surprised that ASU players displayed that kind of behavior when they were winning. If we win the Conference Tourney, this will be remembered as perhaps the greatest comback season in history.... one step at a time 💙💛

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The behavior of the players is a reflection of the coach's focus on discipline and maintaining composure (or lack thereof), so thank you ASU!

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I did not know that Padilla is a bail bondsman when he's not calling technical fouls:


Interesting to learn that his first recollection of the NCAA tournament was NC State winning it in 1974 (and not any of Coach Wooden's championships!). Sure hope that no SPTRs will be retained by the Big-10 to call games at Pauley Pavilion or the Galen Center next year...

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Perhaps Mick stopped abusing his team and coached them? Or did the team start listening? Several players have picked up their play.

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To my Bruin Fam, and especially to GBruin, Jim, Terry, BruinMom, Clio, Sea, Fruithi, Waiting4ever, UCLA4Ever, Chenalax, Army, and of course the legendary War Planner...

I am writing from a slightly different corner of the world... This past week has been one of the toughest. Some of you know that I am the caregiver for my elderly mom who has dementia and my loving son (as a single mom)... My mom recently became ill - some sort of upper respiratory infection and I thought I might lose her 😢 💔

Thank God I had medicine I had stored away just in case something like this happened. I also had a nebulizer to help her breathing, and a protocol to follow...

Last evening with the regulars who always hang together in the Game Thread was the first time I felt she was going to make it as she had turned the corner and was resting and breathing with greater ease...

My mom was also a huge Bruin fan, although she now doesn't remember all the many seasons we went to games together - she was always there by my side cheering for UCLA. We went to the Final 4 in 1995 and sat 20 rows up, center court, to witness one of the greatest moments in UCLA basketball history. My mom, will always be my forever Bruin sidekick 💙💛

Winning the game last eve offered me a window of light in the darkness, as I am struggling with layers of emotional and physical exhaustion from 24/7 care.

So thank you Team - both the players and my dear friends here at TMB. You mean the world to me and this community is for me, such a wonderful place to belong.

God Bless you all and thank you 💙💛💙💛

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Also Ry! So sorry I didn't mean to not mention you above 💙💛

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Darn, bruinballer and BB too!!! So sorry... you both are dear friends too!

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That's sweet of you, Tamara :-) I'm so happy to hear that your mom has turned the corner and that her health is improving! I can't imagine being the caregiver for my mother; may God bless you and her and give you both strength <3

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Thank you from my 💙💛 for your beautiful kindness and warmth... I will do my best to remain strong and truly it's wonderful friends like you that give me such light... much love and God bless 🙏💙💛

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Why not just include everyone. As with The Boys in the Boat, we Bruins don't row as 8 (x), we are one. We are in your corner.

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You are so right... Everyone is included! Much love Sea 💙💛

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Thanks for sharing - your caring heart shows in your posts. Prayers for you, mom and family.

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Thank you my sweet friend 💙💛🙏

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Prayers for you and your mom, Tamara!

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Thanks so much dear Jim! 💙💛

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Dearest Tamara, I am so sorry to hear of your mom's condition and -- my reading comprehension skills are weak -- she is still with you , I hope. I am enduring a recently diagnosed breathing disorder and it was a little depressing at first. But, I assume you are going to have her see a pulmonologist and, if so, I commend a Cardiac and Respiritory Rehab program. For me, it was a 3-month transformative experience; the coach here at Orange County Med Center, Ms Gina Soliz, cheered me up and literally renewed my spirit. These are not only lessons in how to breathe and restoring one's fitness, but the camaraderie (for both the patient and relative) was incredibly uplifting.

May god bless your mother and son and you and if I can be of assistance, my email is TheWarPlanner on the gmail server.

Again, God bless you all and my prayers for your mom!

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Dear sweet War...

Your words and thoughts are beautiful, and so very kind. Thank you from my heart💙💛 Yes, my mom is still with me and she is getting better - truly a miracle. I think her illness was likely viral and she is breathing much better. Thank you for your prayers for my mom and son - he is a very gentle soul.

I am so thankful you have such a wonderful coach to help you with your breathing and lift your spirits. I truly believe our bodies can heal and rejuvenate. and you will be in my daily prayers for restored health and happiness.

I would love to reach out through email... as there is something I would like to share with you....

God bless you my dear friend 💙💛

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Tamara, your mom's situation seems very hopeful and that is very heartening! I am at your service whenever appropriate and convenient and looking forward to hearing from you.


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War, I just sent you an email... my email is thesoundinthewoods@protonmail.com in case it gets stuck in your 'spam'... 💙💛

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I suppose there are some folks who judge us as being crazy Bruins and Bruin fans just wasting their time following and writing their thoughts about their team, especially whenever they're not expected to be in contention for anything. However, as a result of your personal revelations, I've discovered that the creators and participants of this forum are actually deriving some true benefits. There are plenty of technical and experiential articles on this--here's just one random example:


So, thank you Tamara, my thoughts and prayers go out to you, your mom, and your son. Wish everyone else nothing but the best in coping with all of life's struggles and challenges, whatever they may be. We are The Mighty Bruins--Go Bruins!

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Thank you from my heart for your wonderful thoughta and prayers - I am overwhlemed by the love and caring in this community 💙💛

And what a lovely blog... I've always wanted to dip into the blogging sphere as writing has always been a big part of my life... You have inspired me and I am grateful...

Thank you dear friend and God Bless 💙💛🙏

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Sorry, that wasn't a really good example relevant to posting--I didn't intend to steer you into blogging! :-) Forgot to comment that you were so lucky to have witnessed the 1995 championship game in person. I was a young teenager when watching Coach Wooden's last few championships. Still waiting forever for the next one!

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No worries I have often thought of starting a substack newsletter, and this may be a good time to do it!

The 1995 Championship was something special. George Zidek was such a great person who was not naturally gifted but worked harder than anyone - shooting baskets in the wee hours of morning and developing that hook shot. And to watch him tear apart Corliss Williamson was something - shows you what dedication and perseverance can do. Cameron Dollar was exquisite - stepping in for the injured Tyus and managing the game to perfection. Of course Ed and Charles, Toby and Jr were like a symphony... Happy days and yes I am waiting forever too... 💙💛

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As hard and exhausting as it is - every day is a gift and I'm so glad to hear you're getting the gift of more of them - stay strong and take care of yourself too...

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Thank you sweet Clio for your kindness and support. You are so right... every day is a gift and I am blessed to be here with so many wonderful beautiful people... God bless you dear friend 💙💛

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One of the best ways to shut down a trash talker is to win… I guess that’s what the last two games were.

I actually tuned in to last nights game. The first half was pretty abysmal offensively and it looked like it would be more of the same. I would say I’m disappointed in how the bruins start games this year as a whole. The offensive game plan was abysmal is the first half in what looked like ucla trying to force an inside out game which hasn’t worked earlier in the year and wasn’t working in the first half at all. The ball gets passed to the corner and passed into the post, takes about 10-15 seconds to set this up. If it doesn’t get stolen by the other team, the center takes a dribble or two and then gets double teamed. At this point they pick up the ball and hold it for a few seconds and look to pass it right where it came from. If it doesn’t get stolen here, it goes right back out to the 3 and there is now 5-10 seconds left to try and create a shot, but everyone is just standing on the perimeter with no cuts or movement. It’s really quite ugly to watch and needs to not be a part of this team’s game planning. This is the cronin iso offense that I loathe. It takes a good center or a 4 with really quick and good footwork for this to work. UCLA doesn’t have one of these type of centers at the moment so why continue to force it? This is the type of basketball that I cannot stand to watch. It’s slow, run down the shot clock, and hope for a miracle that is made by one on one heroics.

In the second half ucla seemed to completely get rid of this and started a weave and some picks out at the top of the key instead of just running to your spot and standing there. These movements and picks at the top of the key allowed Mack to move and then pass to others or go in for a layup. It didn’t take up the entire first half of the shot clock and open shots were getting put up much earlier in the shot clock. It’s what started the initial comeback up until the Hurley breakdown.

I definitely think mick yells a lot, but Hurley makes cronin look tame. Thoroughly enjoy watching Hurley self deprecate on the sideline with no discipline of his players in the slightest. Complete opposite end of the spectrum it would seem.

The technicals in this game were well deserved, but overall, ucla got a lot of calls their way in this game for a change. Bona did well with his blocks, but there were several fairly blatant fouls that could have been called and the refs did not. There was a fast break by asu where bona got all hand and forced the dunk to go off the back board. That was a big changing point in the game and it should have been a foul on bona. Again, sometimes the calls go your way, but this game leaned in the bruins favor. This happened a few times and I would not be a happy asu fan after the way the game went… for multiple reasons obviously.

The last thing to point out is that Mara for the second time did not play. I fully support this decision as a ucla fan that thinks throw away seasons are bad for the program. Mara is no where close to college ready at this point and doesn’t deserve any more minutes than the walk ins at this point. I’m curious what this means for his future, but I find it hard to believe Mara or cronin are happy with how the season has gone. From many discussing a lottery pick to zero play time. He certainly has a lot of work to do, but his inability to play 1-1 defense at this point on a defense first team, doesn’t seem like it is helping.

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Jan 19·edited Jan 19

If this is a throw away season for next season's development, center position will be lacking. Does Mara really start next year? Who subs in for him when he sits with 2 quick fouls, and no Bona or Nwuba on the roster? One offer for the position next class, but none committed. I guess it's another look to the portal. More hopium, or a 3 forward offense. What big man is busting to play for CMC?

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Some chatter in some other threads about a few offers that have gone out. It just seems so late in the recruiting process to be getting in good commits. The transfer portal seems like the only option unless Mara has some magical revelations over the summer. Not saying he won’t improve, but his softness is a big problem for any meaningful minutes this year

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Jan 20·edited Jan 20

CMC, "We’ll address the roster at the end of the season..."

What does that mean?

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Maybe he's referring to providing a final evaluation and assessment of his players after the season is over? With many new faces and not enough experience, this season is like a Year-1 for Coach Cronin--there's a lot of figuring out to do on this roster...

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Congrats to the Lady Bruins for getting their road victory against #3 Colorado. Go Bruins!

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They are truly a great team! Go Bruins!

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I was less nervous when I thought we had no chance.

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Turned out to be another winnable game against a ranked team (on the road even!). The Bruins played well against the Mildcats for only 1 half, so they still have a lot to learn in knowing how to close out games. Too bad the SPTRs came back from the ASU game and made sure they impacted the Bruins this time around. Next Saturday against U$C at Galen Center should be fun to watch--LeBron won't be able to attend, though (Lakers at GSW that night). Go Bruins!

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