In fairness to our AD, none of us know what legal ramifications were in play and what legal counsel advised. One piece of advice was probably not to talk about things. That’s pretty standard fare in cases like this. One has to wonder how the gymnast made it that far into college with those beliefs.

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If that is the case, it is something that Jarmond needs to make clear. The comments from Flatley and Frazier give the appearance that Jarmond is not communicating with the team at all, which is a huge problem.

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I’m just speaking from experience, not all of it good, that would make silence the best of a group of bad options. Loose lips sink ships and any comment made to the team would undoubtedly not stay within the team. Jarmond could get sued by the former gymnasts as he is an employee of the UC and the State. An individual making her own comments on Twitter that can’t be sourced to anyone employed by UCLA, probably isn’t a big issue.

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Jan 20, 2022·edited Jan 20, 2022

I’m inclined to cut him some slack on the COVID deal. The situation is unprecedented, plus, I’m convinced a whole lot of teams are hiding COVID in their locker rooms, including NC State and the SEC. What goes around comes around. The gymnastics thing, if true, is inexcusable.

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The last minute cancellation of the bowl game seemed like a petty move on behalf of UCLA. From what I have heard on the news, UCLA was well aware it wouldn’t be able to fulfill its commitment 24 hours in advance. But they waited till 2 hrs before the game to disclose their inability to play. I was bothered by the way this makes UCLA look. For all we talk about doing the “right thing” this seemed petty and unfortunate for the NCST fan base.

The basketball team situation is algo unfortunate, but I’m giving him and UCLA a pass on this as it seems to me the second they knew about it they tackled the issue, however; UCLA’s AD didn’t let the fan base know what was going on. I don’t expect him to come out and say person X, Y, & Z are affected (and he shouldn’t do it) but at least something to the effect of we have had issues surrounding COVID, we will update in the press. But from what I know, it was whenever we had a game scheduled- cancelled due to COVID issues.

I think, if true, the issue of racism is probably the worse of the lot. The other two aforementioned, are mundane and as someone mentioned, there isn’t a right or wrong way to navigate these very complex times. However, trying to sweep something under the rug end in the end makes it even worse. It puts the notion out, that if UCLA is willing to go to the extend of placing a “gag order” to cover up something like that, what else can they try to or are covering.

When in hindsight, these things don’t particularly shine a bright light on our beloved school, unfortunately. Hope Mr. Jarmond can make this right for the people that were affected by the attacks on them, and going forward he can be better prepared to tackle these complicated issues.

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this was a result of our incredibly outdated covid protocols which have since been updated. We were still considering unvaccinated players who were recently infected with covid to not be fully vaccinated. No longer the case.

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I'm very concerned about the racial slurs, which appear to be verified. How can the university that championed Jackie Robinson and Ralph Bunche (among many others) allow any person who is unapologetically racist to represent the four letters? It honestly boggles my mind! I don't understand how this didn't break UCLA Student Conduct Code 102.11b, 102.16 at the very least https://deanofstudents.ucla.edu/individual-student-code , and at most, denial of the privilege (not right) of representing UCLA on the gymnastic team. Can't scholarships be revoked?

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She’s now at LSU.

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Truth, AB. My bad for not making my point clearer. I was questioning why her scholarship was not revoked immediately after she refused to stop her racist behavior, instead of asking her teammates to "embrace" her.

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That is curious. I just happen to be cautious by nature. These things can get dicey quickly, particularly where race is concerned. Without all the facts, I just don’t speculate.

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We should all jump to conclusions based on hearsay and some tweets.

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oh shit, someone said a bad word....time for an investigation!

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I see that Gonzaga revoked John Stockton's season tickets for refusing to wear a mask. No one at Pauley even bothered to enforce the mask policy. At the Villanova game, thousands of fans didn't even have masks with them.

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I don’t get it. UCLA is supposed to be cutting edge. We’ll see on Tuesday right?

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i've been to Pauley multiple times this season with no mask. They did check for my negative test though.

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