U clap clap!

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C clap, clap!

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L clap, clap!

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A clap, clap!

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U C L A Fight fight fight!

Good evening mighty Bruins!

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C Clap Clap

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Hi, Terry!

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Hello to you. Looking forward to a good game Looks like Illinois game is running late.

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Good for me since I just just tuned in!

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Hi Doctor! Hi Terry! I'm back!

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Hi, Bruin Mama, good to see you! I'm glad you are back safely!

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I am indeed. Hopefully my nerves can handle the next two games.

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It's a season making weekend, fer sure!

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Great to have you Bruin Mom.

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UCLA Fight Fight Fight

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Arizona is pummeling $C 60-47 with less than 8 to go. How I with both teams could lose this game.

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3-2 ASU with Jaime making a layup.

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Singleton 3. Already!!!! Keep it up.

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Tripleton! And bruins a steal but fail to score.

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How did Bona get blocked on that shot??

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#0 on ASU was basically hanging off his arms allowing the defender behind him to swat it

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ASU is currently allowed to manhandle our players

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Truth ^^^

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Pretty sloppy, so far.

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Was that really a shot clock violation? I thought Campbells layup bounced off the rim.

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Oh the game isn’t being called live which is why the announcers are getting a lot of calls wrong

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Bona travel.

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Bona was sloppy on that.

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Sloppy start .

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That was a charge.

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Only in pac 12 can you throw an elbow on offense and not be called for a foul

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Garbage basketball with garbage officiating.

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Ya Jaquez is going to get 0 looks tonight. ASU throwing double and triple teams at him.

Now that McClendon and singleton back in game, hopefully that can relieve some pressure on Jaquez

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Clark needs to get to rim tonight.

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OT but Gonzaga just went down at home to the other LA-area college bball team I root for: LMU!!

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There has been more traveling in this game than I can remember in a long time.

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Only in being called, Bruin Mama.

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That should be a flop technical.

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Indeed. Really bad.

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Casey Jacobsen: “from where we are” = his living room?

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Pretty ugly on both sides and include the SPTRs

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A trifecta

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Lots of active defensive pressure creating sloppy offense on both sides.

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ASU gets away with more fouls than I can believe.

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Tygerrr answers that three with two!

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Like Tyger to lane.

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Andrews with the 3!

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Andrews for three. We'll take it!

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The technical afterward - not so much

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023

Andrew’s needs to be smarter.

I originally thought he got undercut but they were just jumping at the rim. No need to bark after that

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Fault on both sides. Foul should have been called but the trash talk in front the ref wasn't smart.

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023

Easy to say when you aren’t the one taken down to the floor. Refs have no control of this game.

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Point taken

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With how they been calling stuff, it should have been a foul.

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That was a foul on the dunk. Took Andrews down.

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Yep. 3 point swing to ASU.

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Now the clock? What the heck I going on in Tempe?!

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SPTR’s are trally inconsistent. Hard to play when a bulldozer move is allowed, but touch with a finger is a foul n

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Pretty difficult to adjust, so to speak

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What a shot by Campbell!

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Tygrrr, only he is trying to make points.

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That is the good Tygr.

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ASU player dribbles into Bona and Bona gets called for a foul. Uh okay

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I think Bona blinked so he wasn’t set.

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We'te used to SPTRs, Mama.

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David Singleton! Wow!

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The bank is open

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Etienne is in, Let's see...

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Immediately called for a foul and he's out

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