U clap clap!

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C clap clap!

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L clap clap!

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U C L A Fight fight fight!

Go Bruins!

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Way to start it off, kingjim!

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Hi, Gregg, good evening. Go Bruins!

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Bona wins the tip against Lovering!

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Deuce for singleton is the first points in the game.

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Jaime for two!

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Looks like a concerted effort to get Jaime the ball early

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Cold start.

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Buffalo chips pull ahead 5-4 with a three.

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Jaylen with another o-reb!

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10 seconds violation, good pressing Bruins!

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Kind of sloppy on offense right now

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Jaime hits again!

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Good D Jaime, Jaylen gets the TO and goes the length.

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Bona muscles it in, beauty.

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Physical defensive game

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Bona has 2 Pfs, Nwuba is in.

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Bruins aren’t getting good looks.

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Crummy shooting so far.

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Were down by 3 and offense is cold.

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Jan 15, 2023·edited Jan 15, 2023

Steal and score by Jaime.

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Gah, our free throw percentage must be awful this half

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Can’t make a free throw.

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Tygrr to Jaime for the score, beauty!

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Bruins are 4-11, 36%, from the free throw line. Come on, boys.

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We are also currently 36% from the field. That's not a good number to be stuck on from either spot.

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Offense stuck in neutral

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Aw man, we are so cold.

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Even a fast break and a Clark layup is an adventure.

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4 for eleven at the line isn't going to make it.

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Down to three, Jaylen to Jaime!

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Singleton has been cold lately.

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31-28 we need a stop here!

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We can't hit from any distance, it's all muscle inside. The score at the half doesn't reflect the stats.

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Well, a better finish over the last 2-3 minutes. Considering how cold we were shooting, including 0-7 from 3pt land, it's not so bad. You'd like to think we'll start making some shots in the 2nd half.

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We had better, Gregg.

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No doubt. Also, give the Buffs some credit. They are defending well and not giving up many easy looks.

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True. Coach Boyle always has teams that play hard and disciplined. Not a lot of gimmes against his teams.

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I agree, army, the chips are playing really well.

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We also had some different personnel use. Not much of Bona. Mac Etienne got extended minutes (and didn't look great). Tyger and Andrews played together quite a bit. McClendon got a few minutes. I think as long as the game wasn't too far out of hand, Cronin wanted to get some guys some more playing time. I expect the bench will shorten up in the second half too.

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Bana has two fouls, but winning is everything!

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Still ice cold for the first 3 minutes. Argh.

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Still lid on the basket for us.

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1 for 10 to start the half.

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What is the opposite of surgical? Bruins missing a lot of good shots.

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0 for 11 from 3 .Plenty of open looks at them too

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And the ultimately reliable Singleton misses 3 in one possession. 0 for 14. wth

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Wow 3 O-rebs and no Bruin points. :(

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And we go to sleep on the inbound play. Worst performance from our guys in a very very long time.

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How is it possible we are only down by 8? LFG Bruins!

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Who is that awful referee?

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Singleton, another beauty for 2.

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Down by 6 with 10:37 to go. Plenty of time if we can start hitting some shots.

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9 points with half a half left. Let's go Bruins!

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4 points LET'S GO!

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Jaylen for 3!

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Jaylen for 3 after another Bona rejection.

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