U - Clap! Clap! Clap!

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C Clap! Clap! Clap! Good evening Terry! Go Bruins, another gotta have!

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C! Clap! Clap! Clap!

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L Clap! Clap! Clap! Hi, Tamara, great to "see" you!

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L! Clap! Clap! Clap!

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A Clap! Clap! Clap!

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Uh oh. Something already seems out of synch here. :-)

Go Bruins!

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Hi beautiful friends Terry and Jim! 💙💛

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Hello my good friends.

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Don’t get game on TV. Will follow play by play on Bleacher Report and as usual depend on your great comments. Go Bruins.

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I am listening to Josh and Tracy plus gamecast! Go Bruins! 💙💛

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UCLA Fight! Fight! Fight!

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Wow! What a different beginning from Wash game!

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Mack again!!!! 💙💛

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He looks hungry tonight. I hope he keeps it up and gets some team support.

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Dylan for 3 we need that!

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Smart move, Bona and Dylan finishes for 3 again.

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44 minutes more!

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We have yet to show we can play 40 minutes too great BB. Hopefully tonjght will be different.

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FG shooting is 88% to 17%.

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Dylan looks like he has pigtails!

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Stef for 3!!! 💙💛

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Stef for 3 at the shot buzzer!

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Wow, it's loud!

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Steph is our one consistent shooter.

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Ok we need to defend Rice.

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Need to keep pressure on

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We might need to start moving the ball again.

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Good afternoon, Bruin fam. I've been fighting with the various phone apps, wifi, cables, and TV inputs, and I think we're good now. Go Bruins!!

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Glad you can join us. Technology!!

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Happy to see you G!!!!

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Hi Greg, good to see you made it in!

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Sweet Dylan!

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Cooling off. Darn.

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We need to never let up!

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Yet we do :(

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Ok. Let’s keep this lead!!

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Dylan for 2 Throws!!!

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Good lookin start. I’m here for now, but am at a D3 college March Madness game with a few people. Let’s go bruins

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Hi sweet Ry!!! 💙💛 That sounds so much fun!

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Enjoy your game, Ry, we'll keep it loud for you! Good evening!

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Excited for it. Hopefully we keep this lead

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Mack woohoo!!! 💙💛

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Where the heck was this team for the last 3 games?

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Need to get lead back to 10

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Getting sloppy

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Stef for 3 again!

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Too many bad fouls being made

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WSU has 7 offensive rebounds. That is awful

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Well there went that lead.

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Gone cold :(

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Lost a double digit lead again.

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How about putting Mara in the game?

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I’m surprised. I thought he has given them some good minutes

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Why? Scarecrows won't work.

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They work better than statues

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Was just thinking that. Kenny just isn't there offensively.

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Unbelievable fouls.

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They have only called 2 fouls on them

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It happens every game. There is no consistency on offense, so we get long scoring slumps that let the opposition back in. Gah it's so frustrating to watch, in part because it's so predictable.

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Need to end half strong.

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Geez about to be a 4 point trip

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Dylan!!!! 💙💛

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Great individual effort. He's keeping us in this game.

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Bruins running the one guy dribbling and 4 guys watching offense.

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Wow Mack got clobbered twice, no call. Officiating seems pretty one sided so far.

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