Let's not get our hopes up.

U clap clap clap!

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C clap clap clap!

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L clap clap clap!

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A clap clap clap!

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U C L A Fight fight fight!

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Good evening, Greg!

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Good evening!

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Good evening, Bruin Mama!

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Hi Greg and Jim!

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Hi, BruinMom! This is my first game thread in a couple weeks. So...how's the team been looking while I've been away? <shifty eyes>

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Don't get your hopes up, Greg!

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Wow, Tulane got utterly jobbed by the refs! 0.8 left in game, and refs called a tacky-tack shooting foul. Swallow the whistles and let em play! Can't believe a great game will be decided by the f'n refs smdh

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Refs should never affect the outcome of a game

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At least it didn't lead to overtime

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But you can’t hit a shooter on the arm, no matter how much time is left. It was a stupid foul on a desperate attempt.

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Hi All, will be able to join in a bit... 💙💛

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Hi, Tamara, good evening! Good to see you!

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Anyone got the stats link? The one above is the Cal game.

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We don't want those stats

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Though often depressing I am making dinner and it’s an easy way for me to check the score!

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All in all it’s just another brick on the glass.

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In order to maintain a level of sanity, I’ve decided to significantly lower my expectations this year.

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leads to less heart attacks, for sure

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My thought on Mara is that I’d rather invest the time in his potential than in Nwuba’s last year.

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Nwuba getting abused; need Bona on Levering

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Mack attack!

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So offensively, we have Mara hanging around the rim and Bona seems to be around the elbow; what's wrong with this picture?

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Steff hitting them, I hope he keeps that up!

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Mara got burned on that last roll to the basket by the Utes

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And the Utes are probably happy to be rid of Lazar

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Mara got beat there , then tossed up one too short, and got beat again.

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His shot often looks so awkward

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He needs to play and be needs to take that shot. Not too fond of the short arming of it though. The only way for these guys to improve is to play.

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He also needs to start playing some defense

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No doubt. This season is toast. He’s young and 7’3”. He also needs strength and conditioning work.

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he's a net negative on the court; can't believe we started him

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Nice shot by Andrews

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Dylan hits for two!

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I thought Mara would be more of a rim protector, given his height, but I haven't seen that this year

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Not at all.

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I would have thought Stefanovic would be comfortable shooting on that court; guess not

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Where's the D?

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Great post-up by Bona!

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Yay, Adem!

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Great D, Bona!

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I'm not sure having Bona play high post is working tonight

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Bona got hacked!

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How is Ute tripping over his feet a foul on Bona?? fuckin' SPTRs!!

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They screwed him at both ends

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FWIW Josh and Tracy agree with you

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Well at least we are not getting blown out. But low scoring again and Mara is just not ready for college ball.

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We're hanging around, that's for sure

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Atta way to take the charge, Berke!

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Nwuba with the powerful rebound and dunk!

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Great to see the fight

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Thank you, Nyuba!

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We're getting blown out before the half!

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If Utah keeps hitting 3s, this game will quickly get ugly

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I wonder if Stef would even play much for this Utes team.

The worst shooting UCLA team in memory.... which antedates Goodrich and Hazard.

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Working together leads to a basket. Go figure!

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Stef followed by Dylan!

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Why do we just put the ball in Mack’s hands? Everyone knows what he’s going to do. And, he’s not a good decision maker.

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Often times he is the only one not afraid to shoot but yes it can be predictable. It’s unfortunate there isn’t a reliable shooter for Mack to kick the ball out to.

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Here’s a unique idea. Run the damn offense.

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From your lips to the team’s ears!

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That was a coaching decision. Not his best.

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We end the half down by ten, another Bruins game...

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I spoke too quickly when it was 16-20. Oh well.

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Yea, but if we hold them scoreless in the 2nd half, we can win by 1.

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Good evening, Army, it looks hopeless again, Can we recruit?

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The kids need to play and get better.

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Yes. I've seen enough of Nwuba and Lazar.

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unfortunately no. Because our NIL collective is a joke.

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Just brutal. Again. I don't know why I ever have any hope with this team.

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I have lost hope in our coaching.

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Our team can't possibly be struggling this much without coaches being majorly responsible for this debacle. The overseas players are not ready for collegiate ball but Mack, Andrews, B Wills, Maclendon didn't suddenly lose all their talent from high school. Something is systemically wrong with how the players are being coached. IMHO.

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Agree, Tamara, there is no self-confidence on this team. It looks like we expected our bigs to dominate.

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Did they coach them not to make free throws? To chuck up brick after brick from 3? The coaching shares the blame, for sure. But at some point the players need to put the ball in the basket, block out, play defense, etc.

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It’s called youth. Mack us easy to guard. BWill is no threat to shoot the ball. Andrews is learning how to be a PG. He’s not there yet. Only time and hard work will fix the issues.

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Bingo. Cronin's fault here is roster construction (to the extent that college coaches still have control over that)

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He didn’t have control over losing half his roster. He retained a lot of players for 3 and 4 years. Then they all left at once.

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exactly. And now NIL has made it impossible to reboot in the transfer portal and every recruit top freshmen.

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Youth plays a part for sure but there are other young players who excel and these are four star players. Something is just really off and disconnected.

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Yes, but those young players are on rosters with older players. We have one older player and it’s Nwuba.

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Good point. But still to be struggling this much...

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How is that a foul on Bona?

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Sigh, why do we watch this?

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Because we love our friends here 💙💛

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Yes, indeed, Hugs, Tamara!

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Airball, we suck!

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I solved the problem. I turned on Gonzaga at Santa Clara. Broncos up by 11 in the 1st half.

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Santa Clara beat the Bruins in the secret game prior to the official start of this season

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There's that classic Cronin scowl we have come to know and love. He is FURIOUS.

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So are we!

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I give up. I can't take it anymore.

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This is seriously the worst Bruin basketball team I've seen.

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I just don’t understand how it is that they’ve gotten worse. And not just a little worse, a LOT worse.

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Agreed. How is this the same team that was actually competitive with Marquette and Gonzaga early in the year? I think it says a lot about what's going on in the locker room.

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We’re easy to figure out now and easy to defend. Just pack in tve defense. In those early games, Mack drove to the hoop and got fouled. Now, just lay off him and let him shoot.

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This is central fact for me. I always thought that Cronin was one of those coaches who was a great developer of talent. His teams would be so much better at the end of the year than at the beginning. This team started with some promise, and now is horrid, horrid. And every game seems worse. I am shocked, really.

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They have lost all of there confidence. When they started to lose, it just snowballed.

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their not there 🤣

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Looks like they even gave up on playing defense

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Death, they can't miss and we can't hit.

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Something is not being coached.

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*Everything is not being coached.

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Overrated recruits, players not putting out effort, bad environment among teammates... all of those things might be true. But watching this year this is no way a reasonable person would not conclude there is a real problem with the coaching.

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20 years of one dimensional, stone age philosophy has come to a head.

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The facts do not really support your claim. 6-9 is a terrible record, but we've been every game until tonight. Have not lost a game by more than 3 possessions. This roster has NO talent. That's on Cronin, but it's on him as a roster constructor not a coach.

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Yep. I would say that there are big time problems with the coaching. You look at teams like Utah State and the Aggies are winning. No way that USU gets players that are as a whole better than UCLA. Coaching.

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And btw, USU has the best ice cream creamery I have ever experienced. Lemon custard ice cream is to die for. I live in Utah abd make special trips to Logan just for this treat... 💙💛

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you might want to look at their schedule before you make comments like that. You also might want to look at their roster. Great Osobor is better by anyone we have on our roster. By a lot.

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Embarrassing we're being stomped!

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Each game is a new level of low.

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just like Cronin said. It only gets tougher for most freshmen.

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Tougher from half to half?

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we are down by 47, frankly i'm surprised its not 60.

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And I am curious... you think it is all the players' fault?

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LIke i've said about 27 times in this thread, Cronin is responsible for the roster construction. People are acting like ANY roster can be coached to be good. It's not Dylan Andrews fault that he is not a great point guard and its not Lazar's fault that he doesn't shoot 40% from 3.

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