U Clap! Clap! Clap!!

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C! Clap! Clap! Clap!

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L! Clap! Clap! Clap!

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A clap! clap! clap! Good evening Bruin friends, beat SC! Beat SC! Beat SC!

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UCLA Fight Fight Fight!!!!

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Hi, Tamara! Good evening! Go Bruins!

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Hi my friend! Go Bruiins!

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Good evening, BB!

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Hey Jim! Good to "see" you!

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Good evening, Terry! Will we be ready tonight?

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Hello Tamara and BB. GO BRUINS.

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Hey, Terry! let's go, Bruins!!

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Interesting... StatBroadcast shows Boogie Ellis starting tonight

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Yeah I thought he was still hurt.

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Good evening Bruin Family!!!! Let's Go!!! Beat suc!

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Hey, Tamara!!

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Hi bb! Great to see you! 💙💛

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Hi Terry, Tamara, BB and Doctor! Go Bruins!

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Hey, BMom!

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Hi BruinMom!!! 💙💛

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Hope they hold our game til this game ends

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Shit, the game already started

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Listening to the radio since I don’t have the app

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Following it on the StatBroadcast

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That works too!

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James Madis is fouling every five seconds.

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Just trying to piss us off!

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Yeah no video yet for me :(

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We have to stop Ellis

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He already has a 3

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Make that 2 smdh

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Madison needs to concede this game so we can watch ours!

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Hi y’all I’m here! Go Bruins, hopefully we have a similar outcome to the football game of this matchup.

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Hey, Ry!

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Let’s go Bruins!

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F'n WorldWideLeader -_- We're already at first media timeout and we've seen nothing

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Dies Boogie ever miss when playing UCLA?

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Now way he beats us by himself

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Okay, fuck you BSPN! You'll show LSU v. Alabama on ESPNNews cuz a game is running late, but ignore us??

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okay, game over-- make the switch!

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Hey Bruins! Getting here just the same as BSPN coverage!

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Hi G! Great to see you!

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Welcome, Greg!

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Good evening, Gregg, good to see you again!

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Hi Greg! Go Bruins!

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Great D, and boogie still scores

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Mack apparently defying physics on that one. Nice

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Williams looks very uncomfortable in the high post.

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Berke is out, hand injury.

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Technical on Bronnie!! LOLOL

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Mouthing off

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Just heard no Berke today. Hand injury. Ugh

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Hope it's not serious.

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Good evening Bruin Mama, glad you are here!

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If Berke out, we need to play Bona a lot more

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And Bona needs to keep himself in the game.

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Your lips to God's ears!

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Bronny shot off his mouth.

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Does not surprise me.

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Forcing shots

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shooting 27% smdh 😞

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trogans trying to take it to the hole against Nwuba; we need to play better inside D

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I love Nwuba's heart, but he's a real liability on the court.

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Mack is hurt

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Looks like he stepped on a foot.

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Mack is limping, Oh noes!

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Bruins are half a step slower than Trogans.

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Take it to the hold, Fible!!

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We are not going to win shooting 22%

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With mack out, who do we have who will fearlessly take it to the hole on any possession?

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Is that rhetorical?

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Yeah, like no answer is the answer.

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Sadly, we all know the answer to the question, so yes, it is

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Stef for 2!

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No Mack no Berke = tough night.

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I know! Can the whole team ever be healthy?

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Seriously, Stefanovic??

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Give him an assist on that last trogan basket smdh

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He cannot pass

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That was like an airball pass.

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Srsly :(

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Hope that lights a fire under Brandon!

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Beauty Brandon.

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Mara's in we're desperate!

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Was thinking the same

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I said the same thing here!

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Dude needs to play like he's 7-3.

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Good God yes!

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Mack back in

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That guy is tough

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Still feeling his ankle.

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Will someone make a shot? Please

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LOLOL Mara didn't even jump on that last rebound!! He just put up his arm and was the tallest on the court!

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Im only 5' 4" 🤣🤣🤣

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Good luck!!

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I’m only 5’ 3” but I play like I’m bigger LOL

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Seriously. He needs to look around, realize he's looking down on everyone, and then go play with that knowledge.

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