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clap clap clap!

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No L tonight. That's ok with me.

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Nope...Can't L-ose to UofA.

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looks like we found our offense

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It's gonna be a battle inside tonight!

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They know Chis isn't there it's up to Cody.

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and Jalen!

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C'mon, Bill!

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Nice floater by Juzang!

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Sean miller should always be required to wear a mask to contain all of his spit and slobber.

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SPTRs are killing this game already

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Good to see Juzang hot early

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Yeah, we need someone hitting shots!

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c'mon guys call the game!

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Defense is non-existent for the Bruins.

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AZ shooting 55%, and we've already gifted 5 TOs. Not a good combo.

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I like Tyger attacking the rim. We need to get out of passing around the perimeter and settling for long jumpers

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Attack that rim!

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UA 6 offensive rebounds to our 2

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The Tyger takeover!

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Good minutes from Nwuba.

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Riley has 2 fouls, Hill has 3

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It kind of snuck up on me but we're playing really well right now.

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who would have thought. We take the lead with Nwuba and Clark on the court

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That was a pretty drive by Jules... offense is clicking even with large number of players rotating through

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Seems we have the good Tyger tonight

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Dammit! We can't give up these second change rebounds!

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And then we have that sequence at both ends - lol

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Lots of tears in that drop from Tyger

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Looks like whoever has the ball last, wins

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Great Tyger tonight

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We really go how Tyger goes, don't we?

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Gah. Tied at half. We were up by 7 with 3:30 left.

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they were up by 7 before that. see saw game

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I'm a one ended seesawer, Rodney. I only want our 7pt leads to stand. ;-)

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We spent several minutes playing 4 on 5 on offense with Nwuba on the floor. It finally caught up to us the last few minutes.

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still bought us time with Riley and Hill on the bench with fouls

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Exactly. I would have accepted a tie at the half before the game started and especially with Hill and Riley sitting with foul trouble.

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They were definitey just trying to get to the end of the half with nwuba playing his most minutes of the season and Clark in at the same time. They were just holding on until half

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Triple J got lots of rest that half

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Riley and Jaime to start the second

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Can't believe we're 8 for 8 from the line

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Points are pretty even in the paint, our 18 to their 16

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Hill, Riley and Nwuba have 7/8 fouls

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Yeah, that's a huge concern for the next half

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We need more production from Kyman next half when he's in the game

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your right He's a big liability on defense. He is 0-2 this half

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He didn't do much in Tempe either.

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our guards need to keep attacking their bigs. They are two slow.

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Unless they only actually have two.

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Would be nice to get some from Singleton

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He’s not been called to shoot this game so far

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Gotta. be over the back!

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and again!

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Jaime trying to go to work

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darn 3 on Riley

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just keep going at their bigs

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Hill must step up

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Fouls on our bigs are going to be hard to overcome.

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The sound of whistles are echoing all over Tucson.

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Hill has become a good FT shooter

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Triple J in attack mode

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UCLA take it to the hoop every time! Yes!!!

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Is that 4 on Hill?

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Stupid foul too

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gotta learn not to get caught in the popcorn machine when you've fouls...

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4 on Hill!

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Nwuba having to absorb significant minutes tonight

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What the heck was that juzang?

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sometimes he channels 2018 - 19 Bernard

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No Tyger, Hill or Riley on the floor. Wow.

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Tyger should be on the floor following this break, having been coached for a bit by Cronin (hope it works!)

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Hill has been out to lunch the last few games

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Down by 1, Tyger back in, let's go!

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