How unsurprising. Coverage of a top 10 west coast matchup is delayed by an east coast/SEC game. Typical BSPN.

At least, Go Ben Howland

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I’d feel more confident if Sean Miller was coaching.

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Good start though!

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Damn, both teams shooting hot!!

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En fuego!

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I guess Tyger's thumb must be feeling okay!

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LOL Was just about to type that

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Good to see Tyger drill a couple early

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Offensive?? That call is offensive!!

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You think that guy was set??

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That was a huge flop!!

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LOL That last whistle sounded before the actual foul occurred!

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Let's go, Defense!!

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Love our defense!! They are surrounding AZ's big every touch!!

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Lots of movement and hustle on defense right now. Good to see!

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Gotta sustain this high level the whole game!

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Hey, we've gone almost 10 minutes and no fouls on Riley!!

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I know! How about hardly any whistles at all??

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Wonder what conference these refs are from...

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NVM -_-

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Juzang on fire!

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and Tyger!

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You’re right, and that’s probably more important. We know Juzang is gonna score, but we need the good Tyger tonight.

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Great hustle by Singleton, grabbing his miss and getting the foul!

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I'm too old and this is too late for me Go Bruins!

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Good night, kj. We’ll try to have good news for you in the morning.

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Def the kinda game you wanna record and watch tomorrow

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Thank you, sir, This one is BIG!

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LOL love how much space they gave Koloko at the 3 line!

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Please tell me this game is now on ESPN; no time for these idiots on tv right now

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think it has changed channels...

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Yup. They’ve switched

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Nice notice, BSPN.

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C'mon, Jules! First that shot and now 2 stupid fouls?? time to sit

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Beautiful post play by Riley!!

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Great rebound by Watson

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Missed that foul (?) on Riley

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I guess the refs are back to blowing the whistles

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Watson really hustling!

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2 on Tyger. Ugh

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Dammit. 2 fouls on Tyger

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Refs on a whistle roll against the Bruins

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Watson with the much-needed 3!!

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And it looked good the whole way. Unhurried. Smooth. Wilkes-like.

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And now the steal!!

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Watson taking over the game!!

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Lot of ticky tack whistles on the Bruins lately

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Now we have 3 starters with 2 fouls apiece

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Jules with a much-better shot selection, within the flow of the game

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We had 3 Bruins on Koloko as soon as he touched the ball in the post!

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Jules feeling it!!

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Great first half by Bruins, 40-29 over AZ

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Mick jawing with the refs

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As he should!! They changed the f'n shot clock! First we had last shot, then we didn't! bullshit!

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Cost us 2 points!

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Quite likely.

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Love our defense first half; as mentioned below, we need to keep up this intensity for 20 more minutes!

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Why did we only get a 20 second shot clock?

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That was Mick's point. Should have had 30

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That’s what Mick was rightly pissed about.

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Bruins shot 53%. That’s a product of good ball movement and patience creating a lot of high quality shots. Great work on offense.

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Gotta keep the foot on the pedal when the second half starts.

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Absolutely. We played one good half at both Utah and CU. That won’t cut it tonight.

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Definitely not. Arizona will make adjustments too.

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It's also a product of great defense allowing us the quickly move the ball before their D got set :-)

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Very true!

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CU about to beat Oregon in Eugene

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Buffs win 82-78

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Let's go!!

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Jules beasting that rebound!!

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Jaquez with heads-up hustle!

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Concerted effort to get Jaime involved-- great all, Cronin!

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Bruins are at a their best when everybody is involved and contributes

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Dammit! Great D but a lazy transition pass

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Man, we are missing some shots we usually make

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We're got two turnovers but no points for it-- finally!!

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OMG Jules!!

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Dammit! 3 on Riley now. We need him in there to combat Koloko!

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Mick was all over the ref after that call too

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It's so nice to have a man of real character who can actually coach!!

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And still wearing a suit on the sideline. So glad Coach hasn't adopted the casual look.

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