College Gameday at the Rose Bowl and we are likely to lose. Greeeaaattt!! < - sarcasm for those in the back

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I honestly feel like Chip will show up with a good gameplan for this. He has to know how important it is and he CAN call a good offensive gameplan. As long as he doesnt get cute or get stubborn this should be a close fun game to watch!

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Unfortunately Chip has been stubborn for 4 years now (and probably for a lot of years before that too). I don't expect that to change tomorrow.

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Completely agree w/ you on just being tired of the ongoing discourse surrounding CCK (the ASU game and the late arrivals on that thread was my breaking point). This game can be won, but I am not holding my breath.

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I have high hopes tempered by Eye Tests! These are one of my favorite features of The Mighty Bruin.

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I miss earlier in the season when I didn’t have to temper my thoughts and could be all “yeah this is good”. This job is truly a curse.

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I'd give a little more boost to the grade given the schedule. UCLA was on its second road game in a row (AZ previously), and UW was coming off a bye (sitting at home for 2 weeks preparing for us).

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This was a very meh game. Any win is a good win, but it wasn’t convincing. The D is still not good and I think looked better as Washington couldn’t execute (especially the pass). The secondary is still not good and better QBs are going to take advantage. For Saturday, I can’t really say what will happen. If the LSU Bruins show up, they should win, but if the Defense plays like it has over the last few games, it could get ugly.

I’d like to see Azz go, and wouldn’t mind Chip going, but Kelly isn’t going anywhere with his buyout. If I was Jarmond, I’d start the search now, expecting to either fire Kelly next season or just let his contract run out.

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What sign will you have at Game Day, Dimitri? I need to see you on TV!

Great Eye Test as always, DD, and I can't quibble with a single thing you wrote, but only in part because I didn't see a single snap from the game as I was at work. But I've learned to take your word for it because it's always right on. Also, I was today years old when I learned of Emory and Henry College in SW Virginia and their crazy namesake formation. Go Wasps!

U.C.L.A. played a solid game against a fairly bad team last week, which is exactly what the Bruins are supposed to do in that situation. But that floor effect means that I still don't know if we are a good team or if we have just leveled up enough to consistently handle the bad teams, because, like Fresno and ASU, here comes another pretty good team. This week is another chance to see if the Bruins are actually pretty good themselves or if we have been fortunate to have had some really bad opponents (see: Broncos, Denver).

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