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Or maybe it's like, we've seen this movie and we know how it ends?

Also, accept the hyperbole as a comment on how poorly we've played...

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Do I need to explain the concept of hyperbole?

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Truly did... fire you? Sorry, don't get it...

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^^ This!! ^^

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Bruin Nation has always shown great patience...

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It’s been 5 years

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5 years of poor coaching and historically bad records....

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No one was more critical of Chipster than I ... but we had 8 wins and absolutely destroyed SUC... so I'll give him at least a couple quarters before I demand he be fired.

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Yes, but U$C was a dumpster fire even before we played them last year.

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I'll never diminish 62-33. Never.

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lol. This is true /s. But I also expect a team to be able to catch a punt, block for a punt, pass block a little bit...you know, simple things. Pretty silly that a Chip Kelly team looks this unprepared.

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I think it’s the heat. It bakes your brain down into your neck.

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Heat didn't prevent BG from blocking a punt and recovering a fumble.

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So true!

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I survived the Michigan game. I will survive this.

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Good! Then I'm tasking you with ice procurement responsibilities today! LOL

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Bruins will get the ball to start. LFG!!!

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And...not a great first series.

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Guess that was one way to keep our defense off the field

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Aha, that's nice. DTR is faster than these guys. I predict a 150yd game for him.

(why not?)

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What’s the over/under?

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Not loving our OL so far. Thank goodness for a super senior QB with wheels

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The Murphy Era begins

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Missed blitz. Can't let DTR get hit like that.

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As a Rams fan, it's so weird to hear the name Deacon Jones!

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Kinda sad that special teams just as terrible as last year

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No excuse for that pass. None.

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No idea how he threw it that bad. Needs to shake it off

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That was ugly

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OMG he was soooo wide open! Good thing their QB way overthrew him smdh

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Dodged a bullet on that one.

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Still shows a huge concern about our secondary

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Did I mention how terrible special teams STILL are??

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Maybe they’re just rusty, but UCLA is not looking convincing. O line not great, coverage still suspect, and doesn’t really seem like they’re getting pressure on the QB.

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But our special teams are great...

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You know B10 commissioner shaking his head like, WTF did I do....

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Losing to a MAC team is basically a right of passage in the B1G.

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Good lord. Just a comedy of errors.

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Unspecial teams are still here

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Not impressive

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Same ol’ same ol’

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At least rush D looking good. Only around 6 yds rushing for Bowling Green so far

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Can we take a mulligan?

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Why? The result will be the same anyways.

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It’s impossible to stream this game.

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Sep 3, 2022·edited Sep 3, 2022

Lots of quick passes to beat the pass rush

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DTR's legs: good. DTR's arm and brain: meh.

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He is who he is…and the same can be said about Kelly. Time to move on….

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OL overwhelmed again. Sigh.

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Who had BG leading UCLA at end of the 1rst quarter?

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On track to gain 600 yards... and lose to an inferior team. Ah, the joy of Bruin football in the 21st century.

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Crazy that we have 156 total yds to their 60 yds, yet we're down. Shows how 2 TOs can screw you up.

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Still need to find some kind of pass rush

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We have basically 4 turnovers so far, but they are of 4 different types so at least we aren't a one trick pony.

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Well, that was a disaster of a first quarter.

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Basketball season please….

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Looks like there are at least 1,000 people in the RB.

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That shot was embarrassing.

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I would not like to be there today; 100 degrees in Pasadena currently.

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Tells you a lot about the state of the program.

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Wow... down 10 beginning second quarter.. we really dug a hole for us.

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Hmm. O Line barely playing. D with the infamous arm tackling. Yikes.

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Sep 3, 2022·edited Sep 3, 2022

That was a really well designed play. The wide action left the middle wide open and their OLine was ready to roll

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Garbers NOW!!!!

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P12 Network trolling us with *$c highlights in the commercial breaks.

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Scary to think that had it not been for a fluky broken play, Bruins might not have any points at all right now.

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DTR nice throw to Bobo for a first

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Good protection and a good pass. How about that.

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Nice run, son!

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We need to finish this drive in the end zone; FG just won't do it.

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Typical first game under Chip Kelly.

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Unacceptable BS. Jarmond needs to make a move

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