U Clap! Clap!

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C Clap! Clap! Clap!

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L Clap! Clap! Clap!

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A clap! clap!

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U C L A! Fight fight fight!

Good evening Bruin friends, go Bruins!

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Good evening, Bruin Mama, I could do with a calm win.

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Me too! I think I'm going to buckle up with a glass or wine (or two) just in case!

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Go get them, boys. You guys are all champions to be !

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Let’s go Bruins!

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Hey Bruin friends! It's almost time...Lets go!!

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Hey Greg. Go Bruins, here’s to a great win.

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Good evening Mom 17

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Hi Terry!

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Hi, Terry! Go Bruins!

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Hi, Gregg!

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Don MacLean just picked Oregon? What the he..., Don?!

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Yeah I know. But I think UCLA is going to be underestimated and disrespected the rest of the way.

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He often gets on my nerves. Apparently Donny Mac started early tonight.

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My thoughts exactly.

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Those Oregon warmup unis are burning my retinas

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All Oregon uniforms, court art , etc are gregarious.

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The white football one with the black flecks look like birds pooped on them. Dreadful

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Oregon is tall.

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Indeed. At least one player 7'.

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Nice execution

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Jaime gets our first two!

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Holy cow what a great pass by Bailey

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We have to box out on boards.

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And control Richardson

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Nice Bona and Tyger!

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Tygrrr for three!

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Don’t like Jaime taking on three by himself

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Didn’t see trailer.

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Nice D by Jaime to force the travel

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Turn over!!! Need those.

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No foul?

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Looked like a foul against Tyger but Jaime cleaned up

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I prefer Donny Mac over Bill’s hyperboles honestly

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Can't say I disagree. The other night Bill was waxing poetic about some random topic during a really close game. His counterpart kept trying to regain control without much success.

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That's vintage Bill Walton. I had heard even worse from him - UCLA played Arizona and his own kid was on the latter team. Oh my god, oh my god .....

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Need some offensive boards

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They're camping their big guys under our basket.

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Come on Tyger. Need to make those.

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Tyger seems off - offense not looking great

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Neither team is shooting well. Both teams are contesting shots.

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Bruins finding it hard to penetrate - too many mid-long range shots.

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There size on D makes it hard in the lane.

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Yeah, but I’d like to see Bailey on the drive rather than Tyger

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Seems like there should be a shortcut for that link lol

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I found the link but didn't know how to post it. LOL

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Instant offense from Andrews!

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Andrew spells Tygrr and hits his first two shots.

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Andrews to Bona!

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Andrews looking good!

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Andrews is working it.

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Dylan, Alley oop-boop to Bona!

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A thing of beauty!

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Big Mac with the rebound

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Tyger from the corner with the 3!

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Nice 3 by Tyger

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Ducks have some serious size.

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Yes they do. Our energy on that last D against them with rebound underneath was hard do to their size but we got ball.

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Tyger’s 10 ft jumper inlane has been inconsistent all year.

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Both teams shooting 38%. Bruins are 50% from the arc.

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Refs are opposite of yesterday. Letting them play a lot compared to all the whistles yesterday.

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I was thinking the same but was afraid to say it for fear of jinxing it!

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I always hesitate to compliment the officials as they inevitably make me look dumb for doing so, but it's a good game so far.

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I don’t like this play where Tyger uses the screen to half-penetrate and the take an off balance mid range shot

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Agree but last two years he made a lot of those. Last shot was under control. He just missed it.

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Both teams shooting 38%. It does feel even, but I'm surprised the number is that low right now. Bruins need to be a bit more aggressive and confident in the lane. We look a bit intimidated and are rushing the floaters a bit.

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Tygrr is forcing too many.

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I’d like to see Jamie get more involved - he’s been very quiet

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I don’t get why McClendon gets minutes. He’s a total offensive liability.

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