Join The Mighty Bruin's 2021 Bracket Challenge
Are you an expert prognosticator? Even if you’re not, you can join the Mighty Bruin Bracket Challenge. You can win a year subscription to

The UCLA Bruins open play in the 2021 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament tomorrow night against Michigan State.
Like we used to do on the previous site we have set up The Mighty Bruin group for our NCAA Tournament Bracket Challenge.
Once again, we will be using Yahoo! Sports for the Bracket Challenge.
We will use traditional scoring of 32 available points per round. So, each game in the first round is worth 1 point. Each game in the second round is worth 2 points. Each Sweet 16 game is worth 4 points. Each Elite Eight game is worth 8 points. The National Semifinals are worth 16 points each and the National Championship game is worth 32 points.
There will be a brand new twist this year, however.
We are excited to announce that, this year, we will be offering prizes to the top three participants who are not on the TMB team. We will be awarding a one-year TMB subscription to the First Place winner, a six-month subscription to the Second Place winner and a three-month subscription to the Third Place winner. If any of the winners are already paid subscribers, we will simply extend your subscription by the appropriate amount of time.
So, if you think you have what it takes to claim bragging rights this year, head over to Yahoo! Sports to join The Mighty Bruin private group and sign up now! It’s still free to join! The only requirement is that, to enter, you must be either a paid or free subscriber to the site. If you aren’t subscribed, you can subscribe and, then, join this year’s Bracket Challenge, or you can do it in reverse order too. Just make sure you’re signed up to received our articles via email and you will be all set. If you participated on the old site in 2019, you will receive an email inviting you to renew for this year. If you didn’t get that, just use the link above.
Our group is a private group. So, you may need to know the group ID and password in order to join, although if you use the link, it may not ask you for it. All Mighty Bruin paid and free members are welcome to participate! The usual community guidelines apply and anyone violating them or trolling will be removed from the contest without notice.
Our Group ID is: 46867
Our Group Password is: C0nq83r4llTh3R3st
What are you waiting for? Go get signed up already and don’t forget to add your picks. Just be sure to make your picks by the time the first round (aka Round of 64) of the Tournament starts on Friday because once it starts all picks will be locked.
Finally, since we are now giving away something of value, we are legally required to provide the official contest rules. So, be sure to check them out.
Good luck and Go Bruins!
Thanks again for supporting The Mighty Bruin. Your paid subscriptions make this site possible. Questions, comments, story ideas, angry missives and more can be sent to to @TheMightyBruin on Twitter.
I could wait until the tournament ends and still get it wrong.
The winning picks have now been entered.